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Discover Kazakhstan: 8 Amazing and Unique Fun Facts You Need to Know

illustration of kazakhstan
Get ready to be amazed as we venture into the fascinating world of Kazakhstan, where intriguing trivia and delightful surprises await!

1. Low Population Density

Feeling claustrophobic? Kazakh-standing room only can help with that: Kazakhstan has a population density of less than 6 people per square kilometre, despite its massive land area of 2,724,900 square kilometres and a population of 18.3 million. Talk about breathing room!
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2. Baikonur Cosmodrome Collaboration

In a world where distance makes the heart grow fonder of satellites: Baikonur Cosmodrome, nestled within Kazakhstan, has not only been launching both Soviet and Russian space missions since 1957, but also a fair share of American astronauts bound for the International Space Station. It started with the flight of the first satellite and human into space, and despite its Kazakh address, this astro-airport remains a bustling Russian enclave, playing host to some out-of-this-world collaborations!
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3. Land of 100 Breads

In a land where the dough never rests, and baguettes communicate with batons in a symphony of yeast and flour: Kazakhstan boasts a whopping variety of over 100 types of bread, featuring distinctive shapes, sizes, and flavors, influenced by its multiethnic heritage which includes nomadic tribes, Russian settlers, and Persian merchants.
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4. Atyrau: Oil Baron Hub

In the land of Borat and boundless sunburned landscapes, the city of Atyrau draws the attention of the world's oil barons like a moth to a flame: Atyrau, situated at the Ural River's mouth on the Caspian Sea, is a thriving hub for the oil and gas industries, with major players like Chevron, Agip, ExxonMobil, Royal Dutch Shell, and ConocoPhillips counting their expats among its residents.
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Unique Freshwater Fish Species

5. Unique Freshwater Fish Species

In true Kazakhstani fashion, their waters are home to quite the "fishy" lineup, from slithery snakeheads to rockin' stone leaches: Kazakhstan is home to numerous unique freshwater fish species such as the northern snakehead, lake minnow, aral barbel, beluga sturgeon, and xianjing stone leach, but overfishing has led to dwindling populations prompting conservation efforts and regulations.
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6. Charyn Canyon Wonders

Move over Grand Canyon, there's a new breathtaking gorge in town: Kazakhstan's Charyn Canyon is a stunning natural wonder that stands its ground with splendid erosion patterns, a rich ecosystem of rare creatures, and an Eco Park where visitors can dine and doze in traditional yurt-style accommodations after a scenic 200-kilometer journey from Almaty.
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7. Horseback Archery Game: Zhamby Atu

In Kazakhstan, Robin Hood and Legolas would have a field day, and even give the local nomadic heroes a run for their money: The traditional Kazakh game, Zhamby Atu, combines horseback riding and archery, with competitors aiming to shoot an arrow through a rope suspended from a tree, causing a bag of straw or sand to fall, all while galloping at breakneck speed.
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8. Saiga Antelope's Marvelous Nose

You nose it's a classic: the saiga antelope, found in Kazakhstan, boasts a comically large schnoz perfect for sniffing out a good time! In reality, their big bulbous noses serve a vital purpose: filtering dust during arid summers and warming the frigid winter air. Sadly, this critically endangered species' numbers have dwindled due to hunting and habitat destruction, but don't worry! Organizations like Fauna & Flora International are teaming up with Kazakhstan conservation groups to protect these sneezy superheroes, enlisting rangers and sniffer dogs to battle illegal trade of saiga horns.
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