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Discover Jordan's Hidden Gems: Top 10 Fun Facts That Will Amaze You

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Embark on an intriguing adventure as you explore a treasure trove of captivating fun facts about Jordan, the Middle Eastern gem that never ceases to fascinate and amaze.

1. Dead Sea's Salty Spa Soiree

If the Dead Sea ever threw a salty soiree, the world's oceans would be green with envy: Bordering Israel and Jordan, it's ten times saltier than any ocean, making it the perfect spa party palace for visitors who can easily float and relax in its waters while slathering themselves with mineral-rich mud, celebrated for its detoxifying powers and making the Dead Sea an A-list destination for luxurious spa treatments.
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2. Indiana vs. Jordan: Size Matters

If Indiana were a party guest and Jordan sauntered in with its rich history, one might imagine Indiana whispering, "It's not the size that matters; it's how you use it!": While Jordan's population of 10.9 million people is a whopping 67% more than Indiana's, its land area is actually slightly smaller, trailing by about 3,553 square kilometers.
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3. Star Wars Meets Lawrence of Arabia

In a land far, far away, where the Force meets Lawrence of Arabia: Wadi Rum in Jordan is a renowned filming location for Hollywood blockbusters and a haven for adventure seekers, offering thrilling activities like rock climbing, camel treks, and hot air balloon rides, amidst its majestic sandstone walls and expansive desert landscapes.
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4. Nabateans: Ancient H2O Alchemists

Who says you can't thrive in the desert? The Nabateans just turned water into wealth like some ancient H2O alchemists: Their advanced water management system in Petra, built over 2,000 years ago, featured cisterns, dams, and channels that collected and stored rainwater, enabling them to live in the desert region year-round, enhance their agriculture, and emerge as prosperous traders and merchants.
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Jordan's Schoolhouse Rock Success

5. Jordan's Schoolhouse Rock Success

Who knew that Jordanian adults are huge fans of the Schoolhouse Rock mantra, "Knowledge is power!"? Well, look no further: Illiteracy rates in Jordan plummeted between 8% to 22% in 2005, with women making great strides in eradicating illiteracy in the Hashemite Kingdom.
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6. Petra: Ancient Rock Concert Paradise

In a land far, far away, where size truly does matter and rock concerts date back to ancient times: Petra, Jordan spans over 260 square kilometers (four times the size of Manhattan) boasting structures such as temples, tombs, caves, and a 3000-seat amphitheater, with the rock-star of them all being the Khazneh or Treasury – a stunning Hellenistic architectural masterpiece.
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7. Jerash: Ancient Roman Walmart

Imagine roaming through ancient Rome's Walmart, but with more togas and incredible architecture: Jerash's Oval Plaza was once the hot spot for commerce and chitchat, surrounded by charming storefronts, and serving as a magnet for both locals and out-of-towners. You can now roam these ruins and channel your inner gladiator for a truly splendid shopping experience.
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8. Jerash: Empire Hub, Earthquake Victim

When the Romans decided to break a leg, they did it in style: Jerash, Jordan is home to one of the largest and most fascinating Roman sites in the Middle East, featuring ceremonial gates, colonnaded avenues, temples, and theaters -- all tragically brought down by a 749 AD earthquake, yet still boasting remarkably preserved ruins that offer a rare peek into the grandeur of an ancient imperial hub.
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9. Mujib Biosphere: Zipline Adventure

Indiana Jones wannabes and aspiring superheroes, it's time for some high-flying, death-defying adventure without having to mess with dangerous relics or save the world: In Jordan's Mujib Biosphere Reserve, you can zipline for 100 meters, starting at the Visitor Center and swooping over the Mujib Bridge with a 9-meter slope to add an extra thrill to your swoop – all while soaking in the breathtaking sights of the reserve.
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King's Highway: Granddaddy of Roads

10. King's Highway: Granddaddy of Roads

Step aside, Route 66; there's a granddaddy of roads that's been connecting civilizations since before your great-grandma's great-grandma was even a twinkle in her great-great-great-grandpa's eye: The King's Highway in Jordan dates back to at least the 8th Century BCE and links Roman ruins, Byzantine mosaics, Crusader castles, and the ancient city of Petra, serving as a vital trade and pilgrimage route throughout history.
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