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Discover Grenada: Top 11 Amazing Fun Facts You Never Knew About the Spice Island!

illustration of grenada
Get ready to spice up your day as you delve into an array of fascinating tidbits about the enchanting island nation of Grenada!

1. Spice Rack Paradise

If Grenada were a shaker, it'd be filled with a whole lot more than nutmeg and a dash of mace: in fact, this island is a true spice rack in paradise! Filled to the brim with cinnamon, ginger, cocoa, vanilla, and saffron, Grenada is the world's top condiment connoisseur: boasting fertile soil and a tropical climate, it thrives as one of the largest exporters of cinnamon worldwide. So give your taste buds an adventure on Grenada's spice tours, and don't miss out on their mouth-watering local dishes like Oil Down - a taste sensation that'll leave you shaking things up in the kitchen!
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2. Eco-Friendly Chocolate Breakdance

In the cocoa bean game, Grenada doesn't just walk the chocolate path - it flat out breakdances down it with solar panels, refurbished machines, and a sense of villainous eco-friendly swag: The Grenada Chocolate Company, located in the village of Hermitage in St. Patricks, creates organic dark chocolate using Trinitario cocoa beans from local farmers while ensuring fair trade and relying solely on solar-electric energy, resulting in rich, fruity, and scrumptiously ethical chocolate treats.
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3. Oil Down: A Flavorful Movie Plot

In a flavorful plot twist worthy of a Hollywood blockbuster, Grenada's national dish brings together unsuspecting ingredients in a delicious drama of epic proportions: Enter Oil Down, a mouthwatering stew featuring a multicultural cast of chicken, salted pigtail, okra, pumpkin, green bananas, coconut milk, and an orchestra of seasonings, all combining their culinary talents to create a tantalizing taste explosion.
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4. Underwater Art Treasure

Guess what sunken treasures await under the sea in Grenada? No, it's not a sunken ship full of gold doubloons, it's something even more priceless: Grenada's Molinere Bay Underwater Sculpture Park, created to restore the marine ecosystem after Hurricane Ivan in 2004. That's right, you can snorkel alongside 75 one-of-a-kind sculptures made of pH neutral cement and stainless steel while marveling at the fact that you're swimming through one of National Geographic’s 25 Wonders of the World! And the cherry on top of this underwater cake? The park draws tourists away from fragile reefs and even helps fund park rangers managing fishing quotas—talk about saving the seas in style!
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Beach Party Crashing Turtles

5. Beach Party Crashing Turtles

Whoever said "slow and steady wins the race" must've been talking about Grenada's annual beach party crashing turtles: This Caribbean island is visited by four species of marine turtles, including Hawksbill, Leatherback, Loggerhead, and Green turtles, who lay eggs from April to June, participating in vital conservation efforts and providing ecotourism opportunities for visitors through Caribbean Horizons.
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6. Nutmeg Soccer Mom

If Nutmeg Spice were a child among spices, Grenada would undoubtedly be its proud soccer mom with "Nutmeg is my MVP" plastered all over their minivan: Turns out, the "Spice Island" is the world's second-largest exporter of nutmeg and accounts for a whopping 20% of the nutmeg market, leading to an agricultural revolution involving smallholder farmers and international assistance from the likes of the Japanese Social Development Fund and the World Bank – all in a bid to bring employment and opportunities to the 40% unemployed islanders.
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7. Oreo-Inspired Beaches

When Grenada says they've got sandy beaches with a twist, they really mean it – they've taken a page straight out of Oreo's playbook and gone dark delight: Grenada is home to rare black sand beaches like Levera Beach and Black Bay Beach, thanks to fascinating volcanic activity on the island.
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8. Spice Conga Line Party

If you've ever played "pin the nutmeg on the island" and lost spectacularly, chances are you need to take a trip down to Grenada: a paradise where spices dance together in a conga line of flavors, providing a whopping 20% of the world's nutmeg supply, and partying with other lekker spices like cinnamon, ginger, and vanilla - truly a foodie's spicy Wonderland!
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9. Fashionable Animals in Coat of Arms

In a stunning display of both fashion sense and practicality, Grenada's coat of arms shows off animals as nature's chic accessories, strutting their stuff with farmed goods: The Grenada coat of arms primarily features a nine-banded armadillo holding a corn stalk and a Grenada dove standing before a banana plant, representing the unique wildlife and agricultural resources of the island nation.
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Elusive National Bird

10. Elusive National Bird

In a game of hide-and-seek that would even stump Sherlock Holmes, Grenada's national bird, the Grenada dove, remains an elusive rarity with its best poker face: Sadly, this winged enigma is critically endangered, and is found only on Grenada's main island, with an estimated population of fewer than 100 individuals left in the wild due to habitat fragmentation, predation, and hunting.
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11. Seven Sisters Waterfall Chase

Are you chasing waterfalls? Well, why not catch seven in one go! These elusive sisters are not the kind you sing about – they're a little more "au naturel": Behold the Seven Sisters Waterfalls in Grenada's Grand Etang National Park. Eager visitors can tread a mere 20-30 minutes to be enchanted by the first two cascades, or embark on an intrepid journey through the verdant rainforest to witness all seven lovely ladies, who grace the park with their mesmerizing liquid dance.
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