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Discover Georgia: 10 Fun and Fascinating Facts About This Unique Country!

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Get ready to uncover the hidden gems and quirky tidbits of Georgia, a country that expertly blends the perfect mix of culture, history, and adventure in a way only this charming nation can!

1. Stone Age Party Planners

Who says Stone Age folks in Georgia didn't know how to wine and dine in style? They were the ultimate party planners with a flair for art: Evidence shows that 8,000 years ago, inhabitants of Gadachrili Gora adorned their pottery with grapevine designs, and their surround hills teemed with actual grapevines, indicating an appreciation for both aesthetics and viticulture.
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2. Mother Nature's VIP Treatment

Georgia: where Mother Nature is treated like a VIP guest at a swanky party, complete with red carpets and velvet ropes! In this Eastern European paradise, protected areas have increased from an exclusive 4% of the country in 2001 to a fabulous 9% in 2014, creating eco-corridors and prioritizing conservation protected areas just like the celebs at a Hollywood gala.
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3. Alphabetic Swag

Who needs upper or lower case letters when you can be a one-of-a-kind linguistic unicorn? Georgia's packing some serious alphabetic swag: With 33 unique letters in the Georgian language, divided into three alphabets - asomtavruli, nuskhuri, and mkhedruli - it stands apart from others, skipping upper and lower case letters and still rocking religious inscriptions.
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4. World's Second-Deepest Cave

Are you feeling lost in life? Dive deep into the world's second-deepest cave, where even "cave-ing in" is an understatement: Krubera Cave in Abkhazia, Georgia, boasts a staggering depth of 2,199 meters, and the Ukrainian Speleological Association set a world record in 2007 by going as deep as -2,191 meters.
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MasterChef: Hazelnut Edition

5. MasterChef: Hazelnut Edition

If Georgia were a contestant on "MasterChef: Nut Edition," it would certainly make it to the final round with its Hazelnut soufflé: Georgia ranks as the world’s fourth-largest producer of hazelnuts, cornering around 4.6% of the global market in 2013. Blessed with just the right climate conditions, especially along the Black Sea coastline, Georgia is well on its way to becoming a hazelnut powerhouse in response to skyrocketing global demand.
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6. Fairytale Hospitality

If you thought fairytales were exclusive to fantasy, a visit to Georgia might have you feeling like royalty in no time; think "Beauty and the Beast" hospitality, without the talking teapots: Georgians are legendary for their graciousness towards guests, evident by Tbilisi's Kartlis Deda statue with a wine goblet and sword, showcasing both protection and generosity, as well as their tendency to offer food, drinks, and homes to strangers while treating them like royalty.
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7. Five-Star Cheesy Dream

If Georgia's khachapuri were an Airbnb, it would be the five-star doughy vacation rental of your cheesy dreams: The country's national dish is a regionally diverse masterpiece, but the Adjaruli version steals the show with its boat-shaped bread filled with a scrumptious cheese and herb mix, topped off with an egg, making it the perfect breakfast or lunch delight.
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8. Eardrum Extravaganza

Forget heavenly harmonies and sensational sounds: Georgian polyphonic singing is the answer to your eardrum extravaganza! With roots dating back to the 8th century AD, Georgian polyphonic singing is a unique style that boasts trio ensembles spun from Svaneti, Kakheti, and western Georgia, and has even graced the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity since 2008.
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9. Swordplay Ballet

They say ballet is the stuff of tutus and delicate pirouettes, but Georgia clearly missed the memo and decided to throw in some swordplay, jaw-dropping leaps, and spin-tastic tornadoes: The Georgian National Ballet "Sukhishvili," founded by a power couple in 1945, has dazzled audiences worldwide with its vibrant folk dance displays, showcasing Georgia's rich culture and history through a whirlwind of colors, sounds, and awe-inspiring acrobatics.
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Tower House Neighborly Love

10. Tower House Neighborly Love

They say good fences make good neighbors, but in the Upper Svaneti region of Georgia, medieval tower houses take neighborly love to new heights: this area is filled with over 200 medieval structures, including tower houses, churches, and castles, embodying both the beauty of mountain scenery and the rich history of the Svan people, with their unique architecture and Renaissance mural paintings adding an extra touch of awe to this extraordinary landscape.
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