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Discovering Finland: 23 Unique and Entertaining Fun Facts You Need to Know

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Unravel the hidden gems and quirky nuggets of knowledge about the land of a thousand lakes, reindeer, and, of course, the iconic sauna - Finland!

1. Saunas and Equality

In Finland, equal opportunity is no tall tale: it's as clear as the gap between the men and women's sauna sections! Seriously though: Finnish culture strongly emphasizes gender equality and shared responsibility in work, childcare, and household duties, as well as valuing individualism, honesty, punctuality, and a deep respect for nature.
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2. Berry-Picking Champs

If berry-picking were an Olympic sport, Finns would take the gold - especially when searching for their prized Lapland's Gold: The cloudberry, known as Finland's Holy Grail of wild berries, is a rare superfood praised for its health benefits since the Middle Ages and often used in a delicious dessert, combining the traditional Finnish cheese leipäjuusto with cream, sugar, and cloudberries, predominantly enjoyed in Lapland.
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3. Tango Festival

Who said Finland can't tango? Think again, Väinämöinen: Finland's Tangomarkkinat festival is the world's oldest tango festival held every July in Seinäjoki since 1985! Featuring competitions for the best tango singers, composers, and dancers, the festival also offers public dancing to live music by top Finnish entertainers, with tango making up at least 40% of the dance rhythms. A true bucket list event, it has seen up to 130,600 enthusiasts cha-cha-ing their way to Finnish tango glory.
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4. Sauna Capital

In Finland, the family that sweats together, stays together: this Nordic nation is home to over 5.5 million people and an astounding 2 million saunas, ensuring almost every household has one for bathing, relaxation, and holiday celebrations. The Finnish love for steamy shenanigans even led to an annual World Sauna Championships, though it was discontinued due to a tragic incident in 2010.
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Coffee Lovers Unite

5. Coffee Lovers Unite

Move over, Captain America, and make way for the true superheroes: the caffeine-powered Finns! As coffee beans replace Vibranium, Finland's population sips their way to invincibility: In fact, they consume the most coffee in the world, with an annual average of 12 kilograms (or 26 pounds) per person. Finnish labor laws mandate two 10-15 minute coffee breaks daily, and thus, Finns pound back about four cups of coffee a day, claiming global victory as the highest-caffeinated country on Earth. Time to grab a cup of joe and join them, folks!
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6. Tooth Fairy Showdown

Sink your teeth into this, sweet tooth enthusiasts: In Finland, there's a battle between the Tooth Fairy "Tannfee" who leaves coins under the pillow for lost teeth, and the devious "Hammaspeikko", a Tooth Troll who has a different agenda - he's on a mission to snatch away children's sweets, promoting oral hygiene and keeping tooth caries at bay.
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7. Reindeer-Alert App

Don't let your road trip turn into a "deer in the headlights" situation: Finland has a clever app called Porokello (Reindeer Bell) that alerts drivers to real-time reindeer sightings, significantly reducing accidents and earning itself the police's National Road Safety Prize for 2017.
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8. Santa's Village

When Santa's not busy looking at his naughty and nice list, he likes to welcome new visitors from around the world at his Finnish pad: At Santa Claus Village in Rovaniemi, Finland, tourists can not only cross the Arctic Circle, but they can also meet the big man himself every day of the year, participate in holiday-themed activities, shop for souvenirs, dine at festive cafes and restaurants, and send out seasonal greetings through Santa's Main Post Office, all while residing in luxurious hotels and resorts in the vicinity.
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9. Heavy Metal Paradise

Gather 'round, headbangers, for Finland truly reigns supreme in the realm of riff-tastic revelry: The land of a thousand lakes boasts an astonishing 42.61 heavy metal bands per 100,000 residents, making it the world leader in metal mania.
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Forest-Lovers Galore

10. Forest-Lovers Galore

In the land of the tree huggers, where the forests stretch farther than human eyes can see: Finland boasts over 70% of its land covered with magnificent forests, making it Europe's most forest-covered country, holding the fifth largest wood resource, and protecting 13% of its total forest area, proving that they love their trees more than just a little bit!
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11. No Polar Bears Here

While Finnish folklore might have you believe that polar bears roam the snowy streets of Lapland, searching for the perfect Arctic spa day: the truth is, these frosty mammals are absent from Finland's wild landscapes. The closest wild polar bear populations can be found chillin' in Russia and Norway, while Finnish bear enthusiasts can simply head over to Ranua Zoo Wildlife Park to hang with Nord and Venus, the resident polar duo.
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12. Wacky Sports Central

From wife-carrying championships to rubber boot chucking contests, the Finns have taken their love for quirky competitions to new heights – or should we say, new distances? Indeed, Finland has become the one-stop shop for all things eccentric and athletic: From the World Championship of Wife-Carrying and the International Boot Throwing Association to Swamp Soccer, Hobbyhorsing for young girls, and the renowned Air Guitar World Championships, this northern land is a true haven for unconventional sports and amusement.
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13. Outdoor Baby Naps

Who needs a lullaby when you have the Finnish freeze? In Finland, babies don't just build snowmen, they snooze beside them: Parents in the country place their napping infants outdoors in insulated strollers when temperatures are above freezing, as it's believed to induce better quality and longer siestas, while keeping those pesky germs at bay. This Nordic tradition is rooted in their adage: "There's no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing" – words to live by in the land of ice and snow!
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14. One Standardized Test

Hold onto your pencils, Finnish students are quizzically kalsarikännit: Finland's education system has just one national standardized test – the matriculation examination, where students complete four exams in their mother tongue, elective subjects like math, a foreign language, the second national language, and a general studies subject – relying mostly on teacher evaluations to assess learning and prepare the youth for their roles as responsible members of society.
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Air Guitar Championships

15. Air Guitar Championships

Where some dream of shredding invisible strings that make hearts sing, others assemble to let their fingers speak the intangible language of peace: Finland plays host to the annual Air Guitar World Championships in Oulu, where over 10 countries compete since 1996 for the coveted Flying Finn guitar with an aim of promoting world peace through the apt slogan, "Make Air Not War."
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16. Mushrooming and Forestry

If you thought "Netflix and chill" was an exciting pastime, wait until you hear about Finland's "mushrooming and forestry" jamboree: In Finland, the forests are so significant that they've inspired the language, with dedicated verbs like "metsästää"- meaning to search for food in the forest, and "sienestää" for mushroom foraging, making Finland the ultimate woodland wonderland.
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17. Everyman's Rights

Finns are hook, line, and sinker into their right to roam: In Finland, the Everyman's Rights law lets anyone wander the beautiful countryside, forage, and fish with a line and rod - provided they respect the fragile Arctic nature, steer clear of private property, and obtain permits for hunting and other forms of fishing. This lovely land is free and wild, but remember, with great Finnish freedom comes great Finnish responsibility!
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18. Iconic Puukko Knife

Finland: The land of a thousand lakes, the Northern Lights, and... pocket knives? That's right: the iconic Finnish puukko knife has been an essential tool for hunting, fishing, and outdoor activities, and has even found its place in soldiers' uniforms as a commemorative item. However, since 1977, carrying one in public with no valid reason will land you in trouble with the law!
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19. Celebrities on Wheels

Finland: where the tarmac trembles in fear under their racing wheels, footballs recognize their masters, and Linux presents its birth certificate: Home to some spectacular racing talent like rally drivers and Formula 1 stars, Finland also boasts of football legends such as Jari Litmanen and Sami Hyypiä, while cherishing their high-tech pride – Linus Torvalds, the inventor of Linux. They even maintain an impressive collection of foreign opinions about their country, showcasing their love for reading what others think of them.
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20. Alcohol Retail Changes

In Finland, you used to experience a "strong" separation of powers when shopping for booze: anything above 4.7% had its own exclusive club of stores! However, in 2018, a new law permitted the sale of strong beers, ciders, and long drinks in common grocery stores, kiosks, and petrol stations, while also allowing independent breweries to sell their craft beers on-site and extending serving hours for restaurants and bars until 4:00 am. Don't worry, though, as the state-run Alko stores still monopolize highbrow hooch, albeit with a limited selection to keep up with those rambunctious supermarkets.
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21. Rock Band Stamps

In an epic postal crossover fit for a rock opera, Finnish stamp collectors are headbanging their way to the mailbox: In September, Finland's post office, Posti, is releasing a series of stamps featuring popular Finnish metal and rock bands Nightwish, Apocalyptica, Children of Bodom, Hanoi Rocks, HIM, and The Rasmus, designed in the style of the band's posters and with a background modeled after a Helsinki music club.
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22. Baby Starter Box

Who said babies don't come with a manual? In Finland, they come with a box, too: Since 1938, the Finnish government has provided new moms with maternity packages containing 38 essential baby items, including outdoor clothing, blankets, baby care supplies, toiletries, and even a mattress, positively transforming prenatal care and reducing child mortality in the process.
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23. Spirit of Sisu

Finnish people are known to be "sisuettes," not tiny French candies, but rather charming embodiments of endurance and resilience: The Finnish term "sisu" captures the essence of their tenacious spirit, a quality so deeply ingrained in the culture that it has no direct English translation and is celebrated through various artistic expressions, including the popular Sisu T-Shirt showcasing synonyms like tenacity and perseverance.
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