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Discover the Charm: Top 7 Unmissable Fun Facts about San Juan You'll Love to Know!

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Get ready to dive into a treasure trove of quirky, intriguing, and fascinating tidbits about the captivating city of San Juan!

1. Captain Caribbean Comfort

If San Juan were a superhero, it would be named "Captain Caribbean Comfort," bringing warmth, sunshine, and sandy beaches to those in need of tropical relief: On average, San Juan basks in glorious 80s or 90s Fahrenheit temperatures nearly all year round, with a mere spell of less than 22 days each year daring to dip below the 60s F.
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2. El Morro's Lousy Museum Gig

If El Morro could talk, it would probably say, "Two World Wars and all I got was this lousy museum gig": This fortress in San Juan, Puerto Rico, played an essential role in protecting the island's port during both World Wars as a military installation for the United States before finally retiring in 1961 and becoming a museum managed by the National Park Service.
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3. San Juan's 500-Year Fiesta

Grab your party hats and break out the piñatas, because San Juan is celebrating a whopping 500 years of being America's main squeeze under the red, white, and blue: As the oldest city under the US flag, San Juan's history dates back to 1521, when the Spanish shifted their capital to its current location for prime waterfront real estate. The good times keep rolling with a fiesta-filled calendar packed with music, culture, exhibitions, and historic mementos lasting through June 2022.
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4. Kayak Force Adventure

Feeling a little paddlewan? Let the glow be with you on a lagoon adventure: Embark on the Condado City Lights Night Kayak Tour in San Juan, where you can glide through the water in a radiant LED-lit kayak, complete with a clear bottom for mesmerizing underwater views, and soak in the breathtaking city skyline as you become one with the kayak force.
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Party Capital of the Caribbean

5. Party Capital of the Caribbean

If San Juan were a party, it would be voted life of the soirée every single time: As a city that simply can't resist a good shindig, San Juan hosts over 500 festivals annually, leading Puerto Ricans to rank as some of the happiest people in the world – even happier than folks in Denmark and Iceland, according to the Stockholm-based World Values Survey.
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6. Boat-Blasting Fortress

If walls could talk, San Juan's Castillo San Felipe del Morro would probably say, "I've had enough of boats blasting my beautiful bricks": This iconic fortress, built in 1539 and upgraded by master Italian engineers, boasts six terrifying levels to rain artillery doom upon any intruding ship and has withstood countless sieges, playing an essential role in both World Wars before becoming a treasured World Heritage Site in 1983.
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7. Karaoke Coquí Chronicles

If you've ever wondered who organizes the nightly karaoke in the tree canopies of San Juan, look no further: Coquís, the adorable yet boisterous tiny tree frogs, perform 13 different nightly serenades. These concerts, which can reach 96 decibels, are intended to woo female coquís and claim their territory in the most melodious way possible.
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