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Uncover Oslo's Secrets: Top 3 Amazing Fun Facts You Never Knew!

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Dive into the world of intriguing trivia and fascinating tidbits as you explore the captivating secrets and hidden gems of Oslo.

1. Swimming Snowmen

Who needs skiing when you can swim in Oslo? In a thrilling turn of events, Olaf and his fellow snowmen might need to trade their snowy homes for floaties: Winters in Oslo have grown milder with 21 fewer winter days compared to 30 years ago, and by 2050, winter is predicted to last only half as long as it does today – all thanks to shifting weather patterns and global warming impacting Norway's wildlife and increasing flood and landslide risks.
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2. Viking Opera Playground

Whoever thought opera was just for fancy folks in tuxedos hasn't seen the Oslo Opera House – it's more like a giant playground for Vikings with a penchant for show tunes: The uniquely designed monument near the central station and harbor invites visitors to literally walk on its roof, offering breathtaking panoramic views of the city and the Oslo fjord.
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3. Tiny Bottle Wonderland

Who needs regular-sized bottles when you can have miniatures galore? In the land of the Vikings, "size doesn't matter" has found a whole new expression: The Mini Bottle Gallery in Oslo boasts the world's largest collection, displaying 12,500 out of a staggering 53,000 mini bottles across three floors! Admire the tiny wonders in eclectic installations, including chandeliers and floor displays, or even take a ride down the museum's slide. Open on weekends, this venue offers a one-of-a-kind experience that surely makes it a "big" attraction in a "small" package.
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