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Uncover the Top 3 Fascinating Fun Facts about Morris County, NJ: Secrets, Surprises, and Hidden Gems!

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Embark on a delightful adventure as we unveil the quirkiest and most fascinating fun facts about the charming Morris County, NJ!

1. Revolutionary Doggy Dinner

Who let the dogs out (to be eaten)? The Continental Army did in Morris County, NJ: Soldiers stationed in Morristown during the American Revolution faced extreme hunger, resorting to tree bark, shoe leather, and even canine consumption to stave off starvation, thanks to local farmers hoarding their crops and poor transportation options for available supplies.
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2. Shake Shack Invades Morris County

Burgers and shakes and fast-food oh my! If your taste buds are shaken, not stirred by the mere mention of this delectable combo, we've got a juicy secret for you: Shake Shack is sizzling its way into Morris County with a brand new, 3,500-square-foot restaurant in the Waterview Marketplace, Parsippany – making it the first-ever Shake Shack location in this neck of the woods.
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3. Gravity-Defying Boulders at Pyramid Mountain

Feeling as if you're bouldering through life and need a balanced perspective? Take a detour to Pyramid Mountain Natural Historic Area in Morris County, where the boulders might just boulder you back!: The area boasts not only the Bear Rock, one of New Jersey's largest glacial erratics, but also Tripod Rock, a mind-boggling, gravity-defying formation where a whopping 180-ton boulder perches nonchalantly on three smaller stones, a gift bestowed upon us by the Wisconsin Glacier over 18,000 years ago.
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