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Discover the Charm of Canada: Top 10 Amazing Fun Facts About Montreal You Never Knew!

illustration of montreal
Dive into the fascinating world of Montreal with these delightful fun facts that will tickle your curiosity and make you wish you were exploring the city right now!

1. City of Culinary Wonders

Montreal: a city where the streets are paved with poutine and the air is thick with the aroma of freshly baked bagels. With more menus than maple leaves in a Canadian forest, this culinary wonderland beckons all who hunger for adventure: Boasting 5,170 eateries, Montreal has the highest number of licensed restaurants in Canada and is only surpassed by Vancouver and Victoria in restaurant density, making it the ultimate foodie haven.
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2. Blushing Bagel's Secret Recipe

Why did the bagel blush? It saw Montreal's secret recipe coming right out of the oven: Montreal is famous for its scrumptious, slightly charred, wood-fired bagels, which are free of chemical additives and dough conditioners and boiled in honey or malt syrup for a uniquely sweet and chewy experience.
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3. Montreal's "Upside Down" Underground

If you thought the "Upside Down" in Stranger Things was large, wait until you hear about Montreal's Underground City: a sprawling four-mile subterranean venture lined with shops, restaurants, and theaters, serving as a solution for congestion and pollution while providing ample distractions to keep even Demogorgons entertained.
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4. Poutine Paradise on Noah's Ark

If La Banquise served poutines on Noah's Ark, there'd be two of every mouthwatering kind: Feast your eyes (and taste buds) on their over 20 diverse and delectable poutine options, complete with tantalizing toppings like bacon, smoked meat, and even vegan delights - ensuring a culinary heaven for all poutine enthusiasts.
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Last Call Laughs at SAT

5. Last Call Laughs at SAT

When the bell tolls for last call, Montreal's Society for Arts and Technology (SAT) simply chuckles, pours another round, and keeps the party going: The SAT participated in a pilot project that allowed them to serve alcohol for a staggering 29 consecutive hours, from 10 p.m. on a Saturday till about 3 a.m. the following Monday, all in an effort to revive the city's nightlife and showcase Montreal's vibrant music scene.
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6. Tickling the City's Public Pianos

In the land of poutine and maple syrup, tickling the ivories takes on a whole new meaning: Montréal places public pianos throughout the city in various locations every summer, since 2012, inviting people to gather and share their love for music, with some pianos placed indoors with varying hours depending on the borough.
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7. Iron Staircase Saviors

Stairway to Heaven, or rather Montreal: Believe it or not, iconic iron staircases have been saving the day since the 1800s by solving space crises in Montreal's rapidly growing neighborhoods: These architectural wonders were born out of necessity to accommodate the expanding population and became a visual hallmark of the city, prominently adorning areas like Le Plateau, Ville Émard, and St-Henri.
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8. World's Largest Jazz Party

If you thought Woodstock had a great lineup, you should see Montreal's jazz fest: The Festival International de Jazz de Montréal, which holds the 2004 Guinness World Record as the world's largest jazz festival, features around 3,000 artists from over 30 countries, 650 concerts, 20 stages, and welcomes more than 2 million visitors annually, including 12.5% tourists.
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9. Rire and Repeat Comedy Duo

When Montreal throws a comedy party, it's not all "Rire and repeat": Montreal's Just For Laughs festival, the world's largest international comedy fest since 1983, often gets mistaken for Juste Pour Rire, another chuckle extravaganza in July. The twist? Juste Pour Rire spotlights French-language acts in the first half before smoothly transitioning to English-language performers for the second.
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Deux Languages for the Price of Un

10. Deux Languages for the Price of Un

Step aside, Paris, and keep a tight hold on your baguette, because Montreal's linguistic game has Deux for the price of Un: This Canadian gem ranks as the fourth largest French-speaking city in the world, and boasts an impressively bilingual population – with 44.5% of its keeners able to hold conversations in both French and English.
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