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Discover the Top 2 Surprising Fun Facts About Georgia Southern University You Never Knew!

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Dive into the fascinating world of Georgia Southern University with these intriguing fun facts that'll leave you sporting your Eagle pride in no time!

1. Love Blooms at Sweetheart Circle

If you're looking for happily ever after, Georgia Southern University just might have the magic touch: The iconic Sweetheart Circle on the Statesboro Campus has witnessed numerous marriage proposals and wedding ceremonies under its enchanting live oaks and pecan trees, becoming a cherished memory for many Eagle alumni and current students.
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2. The Eagles Swoop Over the Bulldogs

Who let the underdogs out? Georgia Southern University unleashed their inner Eagles: These fierce feathered fighters have triumphed over the University of Georgia's Bulldogs six times since their first encounter in 1992, with their most astounding victory being a 45-14 win in 2012.
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