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Discover the Top 7 Amazing Fun Facts About Edmonton You Never Knew!

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Dive into the rabbit hole of delightful trivia and uncover the whimsical wonders of Edmonton, the city with a penchant for charming surprises.

1. Shopaholic's Dreamland

When shopaholics dream of an oasis, they probably imagine walking through Edmonton's West Edmonton Mall and get distracted by a beluga whale saying hello from an enormous aquarium: The city is home to the world's largest shopping and entertainment centre from 1981 to 2004, with over 800 stores, an indoor amusement park, water park, skating rink, mini-golf course, and, of course, an unmissable aquarium—all waiting to occupy you before ever swiping your credit card.
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2. Superman's Winter Playground

If Superman was looking for an ideal winter training ground, Edmonton's temperatures would surely give him a run for his long johns: the city holds the record for the lowest temperature ever recorded in Edmonton, dropping to a bone-chilling -49.4 °C (-56.9 °F) in January 1886. Superman would also have decent snowfall to practice his ice-breathing skills, with an average of 123.5 centimeters (48.6 inches) of snow per year.
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3. Canoes in Flight Festival

You know you're in Edmonton when canoes take flight and toy makers moonlight as artists: The city hosts the Flying Canoe Volant, a winter festival combining French-Canadian, First Nation, and Métis traditions where Dylan Toymaker's illuminated creations shine alongside stages like the Flying Canoe Volant Cabaret, la Scène franco, and the School of Song Cabaret, taking visitors on a nighttime adventure through Edmonton's French Quarter and the Mill Creek Ravine.
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4. University's Space Adventure

When the University of Alberta decided to venture into space, they didn't quite make it to the Star Wars cantina – but they did shoot for CubeSats: As part of the international QB50 mission, the university joined forces with institutions worldwide to design, build, and operate CubeSats for collecting crucial data on space weather and solar storms. Their very own CubeSat, Ex-Alta 1, was successfully deployed from the International Space Station on May 26, 2017, and has been orbiting away in the name of science ever since.
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Almost-First Mosque Plot Twist

5. Almost-First Mosque Plot Twist

Plot twist in the Mosque world: the Al-Rashid Mosque in Edmonton may have aimed to be the first constructed in North America, but turns out it was upstaged by the Mother Mosque of America in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and the 1929 mosque in Ross, North Dakota! Alas, it still holds the title for the oldest operating mosque in Canada and the first one built in Western Canada.
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6. Daylight Until Bedtime

Edmonton: a city where it's daylight until almost bedtime! With the summer solstice playing a cosmic game of tug-of-war with the sun, these hardy northerners are treated to one of the longest days on Earth: On June 21st, 2023, Edmontonians will revel in an astounding 16 hours and 51 minutes of daylight, with the sun setting only at 9:58 pm, thanks to the city's 53.55 degrees north latitude. Slap on some sunscreen and bask in the glory of their eternal summer afternoon!
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7. Insect Collection Party

If insects bugging you out is your idea of a good time, have we got a party for you: The University of Alberta in Edmonton is home to a massive collection of pinned insects, featuring 250,000 specimens including a world-wide Hymenoptera collection, stinging wasps, beetles, butterflies, and a bonus assortment of soil mites, aquatic insects, aquatic snails, and marine shells for those who can't resist a good shellebration!
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