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Discover the Top 7 Fun Facts About Delaware State University You Never Knew!

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Get ready to embark on a quirky, knowledge-packed journey as we unveil some amusing and fascinating tidbits about Delaware State University that might just blow your mind!

1. Buzz the Showbiz Hornet

Buzz The Hornet buzzed off into showbiz: The erstwhile Delaware State University mascot not only earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Spirit and Entertainment Sciences but flew the coop to join a prestigious entertainment company, passing the stinger baton to his able successor, Too-Fly, who debuted mid-doubleheader and brought a winning spirit to the men's basketball team against Florida A&M University.
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2. Sky-High Aviation Program

Get ready for takeoff with Delaware State University's high-flying program: tucked inside this east coast gem is a top-tier Aviation Program equipped with twenty-six aircraft, a squadron of seasoned instructors, and concentrations in Aviation Management or Professional Pilot that propel graduates into a skyward-bound global career in aviation's most prestigious fields!
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3. Playground for Brainiacs

Feeling sharp as a tack and smart as a whip? Delaware State University has a playground just for you: For those with a GPA of 3.25 or higher and sky-high SAT/ACT scores, there's an Honors Program boasting serious academic and extracurricular challenges waiting to be conquered.
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4. Optically Fantastic OSCAR

Ladies and gentlemen, adjust your monocles and prepare to feast your eyes upon the wonders of the optically fantastic: Delaware State University's Optical Science Center for Applied Research (OSCAR) is a 27,000 square foot research extravaganza in the realm of optics and imaging applications, complete with flexible labs and a business incubator ready to hatch innovative startup companies.
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Adventures of Global Explorers

5. Adventures of Global Explorers

Delaware State University: where global explorers aren't confined to a classroom like a caged Raven in a Poe novel: The institution offers an innovative USA Culture Enrichment Program for international students, allowing them to venture through the nearby metropolises of Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, D.C., all while adapting to the American way of life, and having the support of an international affairs staff and a personal ambassador.
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6. A Grand Vizier of HBCUs

Once upon a Dover dreary, in an 1891 just a little less historic-y: Delaware State University took its first intrepid steps into the hallowed halls of academia, permanently carving its name onto the metaphorical educational landscape. Like a well-tailored suit for the erudite mind, the university acquired its pizazz in May 1891 under the Morrill Act of 1890, kicking off its tenure as the grand vizier of HBCUs with an $8,000 grant for a 95-acre swathe of Dover real estate: From educating future teachers to churning out skilled practitioners across agricultural, engineering, scientific, and artsular domains, this prestigious institution has been graduating beacons of knowledge for over a century, now wielding a robust repertoire of 46 bachelor's, 21 master's, and six doctoral programs across four colleges.
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7. Swimming with Dr. King

Swimmin' with Dr. King: At Delaware State University, you can plunge into wellness, activism, and recreation all at once in their state-of-the-art Student Center Complex, which features not just the Martin Luther King Jr. Student Center but also a connected swimming pool! Even civil rights icon Rev. Walter Fauntroy dived into the excitement when he dedicated the facility in 2009.
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