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Discover the Top 10 Amazing Fun Facts About Clemson University You Never Knew!

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Get ready to be mind-blown by these fascinating and lesser-known tidbits about the ever-charming Clemson University!

1. Wild Research Haven

Where the wild things roam and PhDs play: Clemson University manages the nearby 17,500-acre Clemson Experimental Forest, a magnificent haven for research, education, and recreation, featuring six forested properties all within a 30-mile radius of the main campus.
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2. Patience in Football

Who said patience is a virtue? It's clearly a winning football strategy: Clemson University's venerable former head coach Frank Howard steered the team for over three decades, during which he bagged six Atlantic Coast Conference championships, guided players through nine postseason all-star games, and engineered three nail-biting bowl game wins with a combined point advantage of just five. This legendary figure has since been immortalized in various halls of fame for his unwavering dedication to Clemson even after retiring.
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3. Willed into Existence

Once upon a thyme, in a land filled with diplomas, plows, and rock concerts, a man quite literally willed a university into existence: Thomas Green Clemson, a diplomat, agriculturalist, mining engineer, and patron of the arts, used his well-rounded background to establish Clemson University through his will, emphasizing a practical education in agriculture, engineering, and technology.
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4. Bowser-Beating Band

Meet Clemson University's Tiger Band, the ensemble that'll make you go "Bowser" in your boots and have you humming sweet melodies all the way to Princess Peach's castle: This musical group has graced numerous national and international stages and has been lauded for their halftime performances, including a tribute to classic Nintendo games, at prominent football games and post-season events such as Champ Sports, Peach, Humanitarian, Gator, Independence, Citrus, Hall of Fame, and Orange Bowl games.
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Captain America University

5. Captain America University

If Clemson University were a Marvel character, it'd be Captain America – steadfast, patriotic, and a proud mentor to countless heroes: Boasting a long lineage of successful military leaders, over 10,000 alumni have served in the armed forces with 490 giving their lives for the nation. This military heritage is honored through the Scroll of Honor and Military Heritage Plaza, while student veterans and ROTC programs receive dedicated support and resources.
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6. Water Tower Upgrade

Thirsty for knowledge? Drink this in: Clemson University is replacing their old, 1950s-era water tower with a brand new, one-million-gallon structure on Kite Hill set to be completed by summer 2016; furthermore, the 155-foot relic will be recycled and there'll be no drop in water pressure during the makeover!
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7. Roaring Support

Tiger and counsel – a surprisingly therapeutic duo: Clemson University prides itself on prioritizing student wellness with a range of resources like on-site mental health counselors, academic advisors, and bustling recreation centers, creating a roaringly supportive community that earned it an A grade on and a fierce 49% acceptance rate.
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8. Chair of Honor

In a heartwarming tale of "saving a seat for a friend" taken to the next level: Clemson University dedicated a "chair of honor" in Memorial Stadium to acknowledge and pay tribute to the 23 known alumni who were prisoners of war or declared missing in action spanning from World War II until the present day, with three of them having spent more than 4,000 days as captives during the Vietnam War.
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9. Ovation-Worthy Legacy

When Thomas Green Clemson decided to orchestrate a legacy note-worthy of an ovation, he composed an agricultural school of epic proportions: Clemson University was established in 1889 thanks to Clemson's bequest, transforming from an all-male military school to a coeducational, civilian institution in 1955 and becoming the first desegregated traditionally white institution in South Carolina in 1963.
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Major in Miracle Making

10. Major in Miracle Making

Who says miracles don't happen in college? At Clemson, they've got a major in Miracle Making, with students raking in dough for a noteworthy cause: Since 2009, Clemson University's student-run nonprofit, Clemson® Miracle, has raised over $1 million for Prisma Health Children's Hospital of the Upstate, while celebrating their 13th year and contributing $136,779.78 through various fundraising efforts and initiatives.
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