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Discover the Top 9 Fun Facts About Buffalo, NY: Unravel the Unique Charm of this Vibrant City!

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Get ready to embark on a fascinating journey through Buffalo, NY, as we uncover the quirky, intriguing, and downright surprising fun facts about this one-of-a-kind city!

1. Buffalo's Curious Moniker

What did the buffalo say to its son when he left for college? "Bison!" However, Buffalo, NY doesn't owe its name to the shaggy-haired mammals we love to joke about: In the 1700s, cartographers were inspired by Buffalo Creek, now known as the Buffalo River, and used it to identify the city. Interestingly, there were no bison living in the area when the name was coined, and although they occasionally grazed on the south shore of Lake Erie, that's just one possible theory behind Buffalo, NY's curious moniker.
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2. Finger-Licking Wing History

What does a misplaced chicken wing shipment, a late-night snack, and a monumental culinary innovation have in common? They're all part of the mythical creation story of Buffalo's finger-licking, zesty phenomenon: Buffalo, NY has celebrated Chicken Wing Day on July 29th since 1977, in honor of Teressa Bellissimo, who supposedly concocted the iconic Buffalo wings at the Anchor Bar in 1964. The city also hosts the annual National Buffalo Wing Festival that attracts thousands of visitors and plucky contestants for a competitive eating contest, proving Buffalo has morę up its drenched-in-blue-cheese sleeve than just spicy goodness!
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3. Dyngus Day Extravaganza

Who needs Mardi Gras when you've got squirt guns and pussywillows? Feast your eyes on Buffalo, NY: the proud birthplace of Dyngus Day celebrations! This quirky Polish-American holiday started as a private Chopins Singing Society shindig in 1961, evolving into a full-blown parade in 2007. Nowadays, it draws thousands of jubilant souls from around the globe, keen to celebrate Easter's end alongside a refreshing splash of water and some springtime buds.
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4. Bridge of Peace & Friendship

Who would've thought that a bridge could be a symbol of friendship, eh? Just like when Ross and Rachel finally got together, peace and harmony were restored: The Peace Bridge, completed in 1927, celebrates 100 years of tranquility between the United States and Canada and now serves as one of North America's busiest commercial ports, with over a million trucks crossing it annually, asserting its status as the sole vehicular passage on the Great Lakes spanning from Niagara Falls to New York.
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Grainovator Revolution

5. Grainovator Revolution

Who needs elevators when you've got "grainovators"? Buffalo, NY was gossiping way before Twitter, buzzing with grain elevators and the whispers of wheat: This city helped revolutionize the grain industry in the mid-1800s with the first mechanized conveyor belt system, invented by Joseph Dart and Robert Dunbar, and the growth-promoting powers of the Erie Canal. Today, Buffalo continues to be a major transporter of grain and an agricultural influencer, making sure our daily bread stays on the rise.
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6. Fillmore's Lasting Legacy

Though Millard Fillmore was not exactly the life of the party as America's thirteenth President, he sure knew how to make a lasting impact on Buffalo, NY's social scene: From establishing the University of Buffalo in 1846, to financially backing the construction of Buffalo General Hospital in 1858, and heading the Buffalo Historical Society as its first president, Fillmore showed his dedication to the city's educational, cultural, and medical development, ultimately leading to the renaming of Buffalo's Homeopathic Hospital as Millard Fillmore Hospital in 1923.
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7. Harmonious Community Music

Buffalo's got the beat: The Community Music School of Buffalo, which began as First Settlement Music School in 1924, started off on a high note. Founded to offer the gift of music to low-income families in South Buffalo, it was established by the Chromatic Club and some community maestros. Today, the school has harmony in its heart, with over 500 students in its ensemble, including 30% from diverse communities and a chorus of 75% children. With 15% of students receiving sweet, melodious financial aid, it's clear that learning music in Buffalo is more than just playing it by ear.
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8. JibJab & Political Laughter

Did you ever wonder if politics and humor go hand in hand? If you've ever ROFL'd to the antics of satirical politicians, then you owe a debt of gratitude to the viral virtuosos working tirelessly behind the scenes: JibJab animation studio was co-founded by Adam Mutterperl and Andy Ochiltree, who attended the first-ever ROFLCon internet culture conference in 2008. Since then, they've been churning out political satire videos and e-cards from their creative havens in Santa Monica and Venice Beach, California.
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9. Buffalo's Downton Abbey

Buffalo's answer to Downton Abbey: a less-British, more-American hub of high society and political hijinks, hosted by none other than Ansley Wilcox – lawyer, reformer, and real-life Mr. Carson! For those not in the know, his eponymous abode was the very stage for Teddy Roosevelt's inauguration and a melting pot of social work and civil service reform during its existence – Buffalo's very own National Historic Site, keeping the spirit of change alive.
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