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Discover 6 Fascinating Fun Facts About Boise State University You Never Knew!

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Get ready to be Bronco-fied as we dive into a treasure trove of fun facts about the one and only, Boise State University!

1. Blue Turf Duck Crash Myth

Don't blame it on the blue suede shoes, but some fanciful souls believe ducks mistake Boise State University's blue turf for a river and crash onto the field, leaving a splashy mess: In reality, this myth remains an entertaining fable, inspiring a popular game day t-shirt and reinforcing the university's unique federal trademark registration on the color of their artificial turf.
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2. Zane's Miniature Geese Stress Relief

In a world where honking brings joy rather than road rage, one valiant student brought flocks of fun to a campus besieged by finals stress: During Fall 2019, Boise State University's very own Zane McCarty created over 100 miniature geese, modeled after the "Untitled Goose Game," leaving them around campus — complete with supportive messages and candy — to spread positive mental health for their fellow, flustered pupils.
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3. Student-Created TV Series Program

Ready to binge-watch the next big television series that's so Boise, you'd swear it's the Gem State's best hidden treasure? Make room on your watchlist for potential student-created hits: Boise State University's Film and Television Arts program allows students to dive headfirst into the industry by participating in the Narrative Television Initiative, where they handle every aspect of creating a television series – from penning the pilot to entering it in national television festivals. Want to star in their next big show? The program also has a database for local actors in the Treasure Valley, open to all ages, gender identities, races, abilities, and skill levels.
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4. Aquatics Complex Safety Code

In the land of Boise State University, where lifeguards are watchers on the wall and wading pools are treacherous terrain, a code of honor is sworn to be upheld: minors must be accompanied by an actively supervising adult at all times when using the Aquatics Complex, and non-swimmers must have an actively participating (in the water) adult within arms reach. Their watch may never end, but safety always prevails!
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MFA Superhero Secret Agents

5. MFA Superhero Secret Agents

In a plot twist worthy of a bestselling novel, Boise State University's MFA Program in Creative Writing secretly nurtures the next generation of literary superheroes: Their award-winning magazine, The Idaho Review, publishes works by renowned authors like Ann Beattie and Rick Bass, allowing MFA students to hone their skills alongside industry legends and contribute to a publication boasting accolades like The Best American Short Stories and The Pushcart Prize selections.
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6. Massive Comic Book Collection

Holy ComicCon, Batman! It's a bird, it's a plane, no - it's a massive collection of comic books soaring through the hallowed halls of academia: Boise State University's Albertsons Library boasts over 30,000 comic books, graphic novels, and zines, making it one of the largest academic comic book collections in the nation and a haven for researchers studying the artistic escapades of everyone from Spider-Man to underground rule-breakers.
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