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Ride the Wave: 11 Amazing Fun Facts About Surfing You Never Knew!

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Dive into the exhilarating world of surfing with these gnarly fun facts that'll have you riding an endless wave of intriguing tidbits and trivia.

1. Surfing Competitions for Dogs

Surf's pup, dudes! The waves are going to the dogs, quite literally, as our four-legged friends hang ten with their human counterparts: The first-ever dog surfing competition, Imperial Beach Surf Dog, kicked off in 2006, with Surf City Surf Dog making its debut in 2008. Both events, hosted by Book That Event, LLC, feature rad surfing contests, surFUR swag, and dog rescues, while 2012 saw the inception of Surf Dog Events, taking the action to both Imperial Beach and Huntington Beach, making them an unmissable spectacle for surfing enthusiasts and dog lovers!
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2. Duke Kahanamoku: The Real-Life Aquaman

Hang ten with the Duke of Surfdom: Duke Kahanamoku, the real-life Aquaman, ruled not only the waves but also swimming pools, snagging two gold medals at the 1920 Antwerp Olympics and breaking both Olympic and world records in the 100m freestyle. He was also an ace Baywatch-style lifeguard, once saving eight fishermen from drowning by surfing them to shore in 1925!
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3. Nokia's Surfer Mobile Phone Ad

Hang ten, Nokia style: Before emojis rode the text wave, Nokia splashed into the late 1990s with their first mobile phone ad, featuring a surfer catching gnarly waves on a remote beach, and introducing their soon-to-be-iconic slogan, "Connecting People". The ad showcased the phone's rad, large screen that made catching calls and messages easier than a surfer wiping out on a boogie board.
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4. "Point Break" Stars Learn to Surf

Before they rode the gnarly waves of crime-solving and adrenaline rushes, Patrick Swayze and Keanu Reeves had to learn to hang ten and avoid wiping out on both water and air: The dynamic duo, along with their co-star Lori Petty, received surfing lessons from world-class professional surfer Dennis Jarvis before filming "Point Break" (1991). Swayze was so amped, he did many stunts by himself and even cracked four ribs, while newbie surfer Reeves got totally hooked on the sport. Meanwhile, Swayze turned out to be a skydiving prodigy, racking up 55 jumps in the pursuit of his character's epic escape.
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World Record: Most People on a Surfboard

5. World Record: Most People on a Surfboard

When surf's up, you ride the wave: So when 66 gnarly dudes and dudettes were faced with a 42-foot long behemoth of a board, they couldn't help but hop on for the ride of their lives! Surf's up indeed: In 2015, these thrill-seekers shattered the world record for most people on a surfboard at once, cruising the crest for a full 12 seconds in Huntington Beach, California. This aquatic adventure can now be admired at the International Surfing Museum, where the colossal custom-made board remains proudly on display.
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6. Peruvian Surfer's Amazing Alpaca Ride

Forget catching a ride on Falkor the Luckdragon from The Neverending Story, this Peruvian surfer found himself a real-life fluffy sea companion to share the waves with: Domingo Pianezzi trained his alpaca, Pisco, to ride a 10-foot longboard in the Pacific Ocean, complete with a flotation vest and perfect crouch! Inspired by Australian surfers' kangaroo and koala companions, Pianezzi has previously hit the waves with an array of animals including dogs, parrots, hamsters, and cats, all in a bid to showcase Peru's unique animals and culture.
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7. Surfing: Originally a Royals-Only Sport

Before "surf's up" became a rallying cry for mere mortals, it was more like "surf's only for the upper crust": Surfing was initially an exclusive sport for Hawaiian royalty, known as the "sport of kings", and only became accessible to commoners after the Hawaiian kapu system's dissolution in 1819.
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8. Mavericks: Surf Spot Named After a Dog

Surf's pup at Mavericks: In Half Moon Bay, California, where the waves leave visitors howling with excitement, a dog named Maverick paddled out to join his surfing humans and left his paw print on history. Famed for its monstrous waves, Mavericks was named after the tail-wagging wonder, and Jeff Clark, a local, kept the spot undercover as he surfed solo for 15 years. It wasn't until a 1990 Surfer Magazine exposé that Mavericks leashed its reputation as the ultimate big wave surfing destination.
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9. Calorie Burning with Surfing Sessions

Fear not, oh mighty beach bum, for merely catching the ocean's gnarly waves could very well help you shed those pesky calories from last night's burritocalypse: Lo and behold, recreational surfing can actually burn an average of 215-290 calories per hour, while competitive surfing clocks in at a whopping 350-500 calories per hour, all calculated according to a mystical formula provided by the Compendium of Physical Activities.
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Surfing in Hawaiian Resistance Movement

10. Surfing in Hawaiian Resistance Movement

Hang ten with the Hawaiian resistance: Surfing played a crucial role in Hawaiian men's defiance against colonialism and white supremacy in the late 1800s, with local surfing clubs like Hui Nalu and Waikīkī beachboys challenging perceptions of passivity and forging identities as masculine freedom fighters.
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11. Eco-friendly Surfboard Innovation

Whoever said "you can't make a fun board without breaking a few trees" clearly never met the eco-warriors behind Solid surfboards: These innovative designs feature bioflex construction, using recyclable EPS cores, basalt drive belts, and organic hemp-reinforced skin, all wrapped in plant-based low VOC resins – resulting in a sustainable, high-performance surfboard that's not only more flexible than carbon fiber-reinforced options but also doesn't require any tree-chopping for stringers.
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