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Discover the Top 10 Unbelievable Fun Facts About Softball: Game Changers and Curiosities Uncovered!

illustration of softball
Get ready to slide into a world of entertaining tidbits and amusing trivia, as we pitch you some fun facts about softball!

1. Riseball Sorcery

What do you get when you mix a softball pitcher with Einstein-level physics calculations and a pinch of Jedi mind-trick? An almost supernatural skill called riseball sorcery, my friend: To conjure this unhittable pitch, simply hurl the ball at mid-50s MPH with flawless mechanics and precision, and watch it hop 2-4 inches in the nick of time, leaving batters baffled and your coach cackling with glee.
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2. Thanksgiving Day Origins

Once upon a frosty Midwest winter, some stir-crazy Chicagoans unwittingly invented a new sport while using a boxing glove and a stick in a heated game of "Whack-the-Undead-Turkey": Softball was born on Thanksgiving Day, 1887, thanks to George Hancock and buddies at Farragut Boat Club, and within four decades, it transitioned outdoors and changed its name from "Indoor Baseball" to "Softball."
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3. Cabbage Ball Cuddles

In a world filled with mushy romance and soft gestures, leave it to Chicagoans to bring in some mushiness to their sports too: professional softball games see the use of a 10-12 inch ball, but some Windy City dwellers play a unique version of the game with a big, cuddly 16-inch "cabbage ball" or "mush ball," throwing it slow-pitch style, and snuggling it glovelessly into their arms.
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4. Optic Yellow Business

Softball's cover may not have "gone bananas," but it certainly went-yellow in an attempt to keep things strictly business: The official ball color for competitive play is optic yellow, leaving the white cover for recreational leagues and some slow pitch games, thus helping players easily distinguish the type of game they're in.
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Barehanded Grit

5. Barehanded Grit

Who needs gloves when you've got grit and determination? For the players of 16-inch softball, it's all about that barehanded action: This unique sport, which originated during the Great Depression, doesn't allow gloves or mitts in the game, leveling the playing field and making it more accessible for everyone. A Windy City favorite, it has leagues dating back to the '60s in Chicago and also boasts Hall of Fame credentials, while maintaining a presence in cities like New Orleans, Portland, and Atlanta.
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6. Hollywood Blockbuster Runtime

If softball were a box office hit, it would be called "Two Fast, Two Furious": a regulation softball game at the professional, Olympic, and NCAA College levels typically packs all the action and excitement into a two-hour runtime, much like a Hollywood blockbuster. High school and youth games tend to clock in at a shorter length, sometimes even with time limits, proving that softball really knows how to make the most of its time in the spotlight. And remember, that's without any mercy rules or pesky weather interruptions stealing the show!
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7. Softball's Olympic Rollercoaster

Imagine if Usain Bolt was suddenly told he couldn't sprint at the Olympics anymore – that's probably how softball players felt when their sport got kicked off the Olympic roster, only to be invited back for a brief reunion in Tokyo: After dominating the Olympics since its debut in 1996, softball was benched post-2008, then invited back to play at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, but isn't guaranteed a spot in 2024. However, during their Olympic reign, the US women's team served up a 22-game winning streak from 2000 to 2008, only to face a curveball when Japan outplayed them in the 2008 gold match.
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8. Diamonds to Softball Diamonds

Whoever said diamonds are a girl's best friend clearly never encountered a softball field: Softball has a massive global following, especially among women, with the World Cup of Softball held in Oklahoma City gaining popularity and being broadcast in over 140 countries. This non-contact team sport adapts to various cultures and conditions, making it a contender for the 2020 Olympic Games and a symbol of gender equality.
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9. Down-to-Earth Pitching

In a world where everyone's going over-the-top, softball pitchers prefer to stay down-to-earth and keep it low-key: Unlike baseball, softball allows pitchers to deliver the ball in an underhand motion, making for a distinct game experience requiring a unique skill set.
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Musical Position Mastery

10. Musical Position Mastery

Ready to play musical chairs with a softball twist? Prepare to be the master of all trades, before settling into your throne: Softball players are encouraged to learn multiple positions early on, before specializing in one or two, ultimately making them well-rounded athletes and keeping the passion for the game alive.
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