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Discover the Top 3 Mind-Blowing Fun Facts About Cross Country Adventures!

illustration of cross-country
Get ready to jog your mind as we venture off the beaten path to explore the fascinating and lesser-known tidbits about the exhilarating world of cross country running!

1. Paper Chasing Origins

Before the invention of GPS, runners preferred a more "litter-al" form of tracking: chasing after trails of discarded paper, like environmentally-unfriendly bloodhounds! The serious reveal: Cross-country running was initially known as "paper chasing" or "hare and hounds," where athletes followed paper scrap trails left by "hares" to push their limits and evolve the sport into what it is today.
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2. Army Tank Terrain Race

Feeling tankful for a good workout? March over to the UK for a run that's equal parts strategic and sweaty: The "Grim Challenge" cross country race in Hampshire takes place on an Army Tank Training Area, spanning 4 to 8-mile courses with mud and water obstacles, open to civilians and soldiers alike, who crave endurance-testing fun.
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3. Extreme Trans America Footrace

Talk about a wild cross-country road trip: In 1992, 13 daring runners took part in the "Trans America Footrace," an 86-day, 3,100-mile odyssey from Huntington Beach, CA to New York City, where they battled extreme temperatures, swollen creeks, and various injuries yet still managed to finish with Dusan Mravlje claiming the top spot in 189 hours and 7 minutes.
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