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Slam into Fun! Top 8 Unexpected and Fascinating Facts About Wrestling

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Dive into the thrilling world of wrestling as we grapple with some of the most entertaining and intriguing fun facts this fascinating sport has to offer.

1. Abe Lincoln: Wrestling Champ

Who would win in a wrestling match: a vampire hunter, the Great Emancipator, or an honest politician? Well, surprise—it's the same guy: Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, had a remarkable wrestling career in his youth, winning most of his 300 bouts over a span of 12 years. The loss of a single match to Hank Thompson amidst the Black Hawk War did little to smudge his reputation, which was so legendary that his employer even used his talents to promote their business. So iconic was his grappling prowess that the National Wrestling Hall of Fame recognizes Honest Abe as an "Outstanding American" in the sport.
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2. Greeks: Oiled-up Wrestlers

Picture ancient Greek wrestlers as slick operators smothered in extra virgin goodness, literally slipping out of their opponents' grasp like buttered toast falling from your plate: Contrary to popular belief, these well-oiled athletes didn't compete in the buff, but donned protective gear to ensure they could grapple, pin, and pummel without baring it all – unlike their track and field counterparts who cut loose au naturel in Olympic fashion!
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3. Wrestling in Ancient Olympics

Back when toga-wearing fitness enthusiasts needed an Olympic-worthy workout, the Greeks got down and dirty to flex their muscles and wrestle: Popping up in the ancient Olympics in 708 BC, wrestling was a brutal combat sport that aimed to separate the Zeus-level strong from the mere mortals, eventually spreading to Japan, China, India, and the Middle East, each adding their own unique twist to the body-slamming fun.
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4. Not-so-giant Sumo: Mainoumi

Mainoumi Shūhei, the savvy sumo wrestler who could make Goliath feel like David: Despite standing at the not-so-gargantuan height of 5'7" and weighing in at 216 pounds, Mainoumi soared to the rank of komusubi in the 1990s, using a whopping 33 different techniques, including the legendary triple attack force out (mitokorozeme) against a much larger opponent in 1991.
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Earthquake: Sport Multi-Talent

5. Earthquake: Sport Multi-Talent

From tackling sumo-sized dreams to causing tremors in the wrestling ring: Did you know that John Tenta, aka Earthquake, had an illustrious sumo career in Japan and even dominated the fields of football and rugby union before shaking things up in the World Wrestling Federation as the mischievous Earthquake Evans, and eventually forming a bone-crushing tag team with Fred Ottman called The Natural Disasters?
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6. Jesse Ventura: Wrestler to Governor

They said "politics is theater" and Jesse Ventura took it to heart, body-slamming his way from the ring to City Hall: Before becoming a mayor and later the governor of Minnesota, Jesse "The Body" Ventura was already a big name in professional wrestling with the WWF, until blood clots in his lungs from exposure to Agent Orange in the U.S. Navy forced him to retire in 1986, subsequently pivot to a successful acting career, and eventually enter the political arena.
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7. Wrestling: Your New Workout

Ever felt like your workout routine needed a bit more WWE flair? If you've secretly harbored dreams of donning a luchador mask or channelling your inner Hulk Hogan, you're in for a surprise – and a fit one at that: Wrestling combines cardio and strength training to create a full-body workout, torching around 516 calories per hour for a 180-pound individual. Not only does this help drop weight and build muscle, but it also improves longevity in the process. Get ready to rumble your way to fitness!
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8. Turkish Oil Wrestling Madness

In a greased lightning showdown that would make John Travolta's hips jealous, Turkish oil wrestlers don their slippery finest and battle it out on a field of green: Meet Turkey's national sport, where wrestlers are doused in olive oil, wear sturdy leather trousers called kisbet, and compete based on size, age, and track record rather than just weight – allowing for peculiar, endurance-heavy matches that can last up to a staggering forty minutes!
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