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Unlocking the Game: Top 6 Fun Facts You Never Knew About Esports!

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Dive into the exhilarating world of esports with these mind-blowing fun facts that are sure to leave any gaming enthusiast craving more!

1. Hunger Games 2.0: Fortnite Edition

In a heated battle royale showdown that'd put even the Hunger Games to shame: The 2019 Fortnite World Cup boasted a colossal audience of over one million live stream viewers, proving the meteoric rise and magnetic allure of esports in modern entertainment.
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2. Piano Steroids: Esports Training

Forget the gym and protein shakes, esports athletes train by furiously tapping on their keyboards like pianists on steroids: Professional players endure rigorous training of up to 12 hours a day, focusing on mental fitness while risking physical ailments like carpal tunnel and back strain, leading some teams to provide posture-improving chairs and physiologists for wrist massages during tournaments.
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3. Esports: The Ultimate Boss Mode

Hold on to your joysticks, folks: esports is leveling up to boss mode! By 2020, it's predicted that the viewership for a single esports final will bulldoze past professional baseball, soccer, and hockey finals combined, reaching a gobsmacking 70 million spectators across the globe. Talk about a digital dunk!
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4. Unlocking the Code to Esports Stardom

Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start: these secret codes aren't enough to unlock esports stardom! Esports professionals often need 6-8 hours a day of structured team practice and even more for self-directed practice, all while balancing exercise, stretching, and rest to maintain optimal physical and mental health.
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Young, Breathless, and Button-Mashing Fans

5. Young, Breathless, and Button-Mashing Fans

As Destiny's Child might say, esports fans certainly are the "young and the breathless": The average age of an esports enthusiast is a sprightly 26, with a whopping 60% of the fanbase aged between 16 and 35.
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6. Oxford's Secret (Esports) Society

Who needs quills and parchment when you can wield a mighty controller? Ousting their opponents in a digital-age duel, the "nerds" of the elite institution are scoring more than just A's: Oxford University's esports society, OUES, boasts numerous victories in competitive gaming, including 1st place in regional and divisional League of Legends and Rocket League tournaments, and even clinching a national championship win in Hearthstone.
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