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6 Fascinating Facts About Used Cars You Won't Believe!

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Dive into the quirky world of pre-loved vehicles with these entertaining and surprising fun facts about used cars that'll make you a trivia expert in no time!

1. Chevy Colorado's Graceful Aging

Like a fine wine aging gracefully in the cellar, only for its cork to pop off and spill all over your expensive rug: the Chevrolet Colorado had a mere 7% drop in value during its first year in 2016, as opposed to the Volvo S60, which shaved off a whopping 34.4% of its original value ($14,000) within the same timeframe.
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2. Swedes Love Vintage Volvos

Swede dreams are made of these: Who are you to disagree? Turns out, Swedes prefer to buckle up in finely-aged Volvos! According to Sweden's used car market analysis, Volvo takes the throne with over 15% market share, leaving luxury brands like BMW, Audi, and Mercedes-Benz spinning their wheels to catch up. The price tag on these "vintage" beauties is dictated by factors like the car's entry year and model, but surprisingly enough, it's not swayed by where the sale takes place.
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3. The Unstoppable Ford F-150

They say the F-150 is like a fine wine: it only gets better with age, and people just can't seem to get enough of it! Whether you're a cowboy building your herd or a soccer mom with a flair for off-roading shenanigans, you've likely found an F-series friend to call your ride-or-die: as a factual statement, the Ford F-150 is the top-selling used car in the United States, boasting 3.3% of total used car sales. It's held this vehicular heavyweight championship title for a whopping 41 years and remains the supreme ruler of used cars across 31 states and 24 metro areas in 2022. Move aside, Chevrolet and Ram – the F-150 isn't ready to relinquish its throne just yet!
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4. Eco-Villain Used Cars

Ever feel like an eco-warrior while cruising in your vintage vehicle, valiantly saving the environment from new car production emissions? Plot Twist: Used cars can actually be eco-villains in disguise! Sneaky, huh? Here's why: Studies indicate that older vehicles often have inferior fuel efficiency and emit more pollutants, not to mention their constant need for maintenance and replacement parts. Even electric vehicles can boast a smaller carbon footprint than your beloved pre-loved ride, battery manufacturing emissions included.
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Used Cars' Grayscale Affair

5. Used Cars' Grayscale Affair

When it comes to used cars, it seems as if buyers are constantly playing hide-and-seek in a monochromatic mist where colorful chameleons rarely come out to party: In fact, CarMax reports that nearly 50% of used cars sold from December 2017 to November 2018 were either black or white, leaving silver and gray to waltz in the shadows. Beyond that grayscale masquerade, blue and red managed to be the rare chromatic stars while brown, gold, green, and tan found themselves as wallflowers. Tragically, orange, purple, and yellow rank as the most neglected in the grand used car color soiree.
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6. Luxury Cars' Depreciation Mystery

Bring your monocles, top hats, and Rolls-Royces, dear folks, because we're about to unravel the great mystery of luxury car depreciation: Lo and behold, high-end vehicles, particularly those posh SUVs, can lose a staggering 68% of their swanky original price within the first five years, as per CarEdge's reckonings, making it crucial for both buyers and sellers to understand this rapid dwindling of worth when delving into the used luxury car market.
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