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Fast and Fascinating: 14 Mind-Blowing Fun Facts About Speed You Won't Believe!

illustration of speed
Get ready to buckle up and zoom through a collection of exhilarating fun facts about speed that are sure to leave you feeling faster than a speeding bullet!

1. Cheetah Sunglasses

Who needs sunglasses when you've got natural eye-black? Cheetahs strut their stuff with a built-in, glare-reducing accessory: These sleek speedsters boast distinctive black tear streaks under their eyes, which help them hunt effectively during the sun-drenched days of the savannah!
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2. Dragonfly Jet Setters

Move over, Fast and the Furious, it's time for The Swift and the Six-Legged: Dragonflies dominate the insect world with their unparalleled speed, hitting an impressive 35 miles per hour, leaving slower rival, the Hawk Moth (maxing out at 33.7 miles per hour), in the dust. Not only are they speed demons, but these six-direction fliers boast incredible agility and can travel up to 11,000 miles, making them the insect kingdom's very own jet setters.
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3. Light-Speed Universe

Ever thought your life was zooming by at the speed of light? Well, buckle up, sunshine: The speed of light is an astonishing 299,792,458 meters per second (or about 6 trillion miles per year) in a vacuum, and it's used to define standard measurements like the meter, mile, foot, and inch. While the speed of light is often considered the universe's speed limit, the universe laughs as it outdoes itself, expanding at over 42 miles per second per megaparsec of distance from an observer!
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4. Daredevil Birds

Hold onto your feathers, folks! It seems we've been swooped by a birdy speed demon that will give the Fast and the Furious a run for their money: The spine-tailed swift, an Indian avian daredevil, can reach speeds of over 100 miles (160 km) per hour in level flight, taking the title of 'fastest bird in horizontal velocity' and leaving the Peregrine falcon, who can dive up to 240 miles (386 km) per hour, as the quickest in a nosedive only.
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Speedy Snails

5. Speedy Snails

Are snails the untamed stallions of the gastropod world, ready to gallop to victory at a moment's notice? Not quite, but they've got a need for speed in their own slimy way: A snail named Archie clinched the world record for fastest racing snail in 1995 with a blazing time of 2 minutes and 20 seconds, while the 2012 World Snail Racing Championships saw its slippery champion finished the race in just 3 minutes and 20 seconds – proving that these small, slow-moving creatures can be quite zippy under the right circumstances!
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6. Mag-lev Magic

Hang onto your hats, folks, because things are about to get Mag-lev-elous: The Shanghai Maglev Train holds the title for the world's first commercial high-speed magnetic levitation train and the fastest, zipping along at a jaw-dropping 431 km/h (268 mph). This speed demon takes you from Shanghai Pudong International Airport to Longyang Road Station in a blink-and-you'll-miss-it 7 minutes and 20 seconds over a 30 km (18.6 mi) stretch.
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7. Laid-back Eyelids

Eyelids out on a stroll: Did you know that, while we're awake, our eyes take 10% of the time off, blinking away in mini-vacations 15 to 20 times a minute? This blink-and-miss action is a tenth of a second or 100 milliseconds long, but some luxurious lids linger for up to 400 milliseconds! Believe it or not, a baby's peepers can be less accommodating, clocking in a mere 1 or 2 blinks a minute. And though carrots won't gift you bionic sight, they're loaded with Vitamin A, a sight for sore eyes (and better vision)!
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8. Usain Cat

Fear not, Usain Bolt: your cat isn't actually on your tail! However, the Egyptian Mau would indeed give you a run for your laurels: This fascinating feline can clock speeds of up to 30 miles per hour, thanks to their powerful hind legs, even surpassing Bolt's top speed of 27.3 mph.
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9. Adrenaline-Fueled Hennessey Venom

Hold onto your hats (and maybe your dentures): The Hennessey Venom GT has been stealing the show - and our breaths - since 2013! In fact, this zippy speedster snatched the Guinness World Record for the fastest road-legal car to accelerate from 0–186 mph (0–300 km/h) with an average acceleration time of just 13.63 seconds, leaving its competitors eating dust like a cheetah chasing an unsuspecting gazelle. Now, that's the kind of free-range adrenaline we can all get on board with!
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Sailfish Speedsters

10. Sailfish Speedsters

Feeling the need for sea speed? Look no further than the aquatic cheetah of the ocean: The sailfish, holding the title of fastest swimmer, clocks in at a whopping 68 mph (110 kph) with its sail-like dorsal fins majestically gliding through the waters. Found in warm and temperate regions, these 10 ft (3 meters) long and 120 to 220 pounds (54-100 kg) heavy beasts feed on small fish and cephalopods, mastering an efficient attack strategy that leaves schools of fish shaking in their gills. Who needs physics when you've got sailfish?
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11. Colossal Marlin Marvels

They say good things come in small packages, but when it comes to the black marlin, it's more like the faster things come in mammoth sizes: Capable of reaching speeds up to 43 mph (69 kph), these colossal fish can weigh up to 1,650 pounds (750 kg) and measure an astounding 15.3 feet (4.65 m) in length, making them the Usain Bolts of the ocean and an enviable catch for sport fishermen.
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12. Solar Probe Supersonic

Who needs the Fast and Furious when you've got the Parker Solar Probe, casually surpassing Earth's speediest cars with a touch of sunscreen and a giant Frisbee: On November 21, 2021, the spacecraft set a new speed record of 364,621 mph (586,000 kph) during its 10th solar flyby, making it the fastest spacecraft ever built, while boasting a heat shield able to withstand extreme temperatures and intense dust near the sun.
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13. Rapid-Dough Pizza Makers

Move over, Speedy Gonzales! There's a new kind of rapid rodent in town, and this one slings dough with record-breaking flair, leaving a delicious trail of mouth-watering pizzas in its wake: Max Ranjit Singh, Malaysia's "Fastest Pizza Maker 2001", created a stunning 14 pizzas in a mere 4 minutes and 36 seconds, earning himself a trophy, a cash prize, and a place in the Malaysia Book of Records – though he's still no match for the world record holder, Waheed Awsim, who fired out 14 pies in just 2 minutes and 35 seconds, snagging a $5,000 prize from Domino's in the process.
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14. Galactic Cruise Control

Hold on to your cosmic hats, folks, and prepare for a trip faster than the Millennium Falcon on its way to the next galactic karaoke night: Our very own Milky Way, Earth included, is zooming towards the Virgo Cluster at a whopping speed of 375 miles per second, or about 1.35 million miles per hour, reminding us just how vast and powerful the universe truly is.
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