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Discover the Magic of Silicon: Top 13 Fun Facts You Never Knew!

illustration of silicon
Get ready to be silicon-sationalized as we delve into the quirky and fascinating world of silicon facts!

1. Computers Love Beach Sand

If you've ever heard that computers enjoy long walks on the beach, you might be closer to the truth than you think: silicon, the second most abundant element on Earth's crust, can actually be found in beach sand and quartz crystals, serving as a vital ingredient in the creation of semiconductor devices and integrated circuits, found in our beloved electronics like computers and mobile phones.
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2. Silicon-Powered Solar Besties

Say 'hello' to the silicon-powered sunshine express: Silicon is the driving force behind solar cells, harnessing clean energy and putting the brakes on those pesky greenhouse gas emissions! The best part? These sun-loving panels work harder than a mail carrier in a snowstorm, increasing efficiency over time and lasting for over 25 years while maintaining more than 80% of their solar-licious power.
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3. Silicon Valley's Earthy Side

Who knew Silicon Valley was so bound to Earth, in more ways than one? It turns out that silicon, the element that powers most of our computer chips, isn't just techy – it's also incredibly down-to-earth: Silicon's most common bond is with oxygen, creating materials like silica and silicate minerals that are found in geological and industrial applications. These bonds are stronger than carbon-oxygen bonds and can even expand under high pressure to form stishovite – talk about an adaptable element!
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4. Silicone's Flexible Backbone

When silicone isn't busy making every grandmother question their grandkids' shoe choices because "it's a choking hazard!": it actually sports a distinctive molecular backbone, alternating between oxygen and silicon atoms, which makes it highly versatile, flexible, and able to withstand heat like a champion.
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Drink to Better Vision

5. Drink to Better Vision

Who needs glasses to see clearly when you can just drink from them instead? Raise a toast to good vision and thank a tiny, yet powerful mineral we often take for granted: Silica, also known as silicon dioxide, is the driving force behind the glass you sip from, as well as a myriad of other industries like construction, microelectronics, food, and pharmaceuticals. It's essentially Mother Nature's personal brand of Quartz, doubling up as a must-have ingredient in high-performance concrete, asphalt binders, and – you guessed it – our beloved glassware. Cheers!
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6. Silicon's Social Butterfly

Who knew silicon could be such a social butterfly at the right party?: Actually, under special conditions, this seemingly non-reactive element transforms into a highly reactive version of itself, comparable to the bonding versatility of carbon. But unlike carbon, silicon is rarely found flying solo – it prefers to hang out with its buddies, silica and silicates, in the Earth's crust.
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7. Countertop Dust Dangers

Whoever said laughter is the best medicine never inhaled countertop dust: Crafting countertops from materials like CaesarStone™ and Silestone™ requires working with potentially dangerous levels of crystalline silica, which can lead to silicosis, chronic obstructive lung disease, lung cancer, kidney and connective tissue disease, and tuberculosis if not properly managed with dust control, wet cutting, ventilation, and filtration – not exactly a hilarious side effect!
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8. Sparkly Silicon Sand

Who needs expensive diamonds when you can have sparkly sand? Yes, we're talking about silicon, the superhero of the tech world: Silicon is the second most abundant element on Earth and the leading semiconductor used in computer chips as well as solar cells, providing high efficiency, low cost, and a long-lasting life of 25 years or more, with other materials like perovskite and thin-film PV looming on the horizon for even greater solar energy breakthroughs.
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9. Silicons' Voice Performance

If silicon were a contestant on The Voice, it would make the electrical industry turn their chairs faster than you can say "whatchamacallit": This versatile Earth superstar is the second most abundant element out there, and by doping it with impurities, we can create p-n junctions, giving birth to semiconductor devices like diodes and transistors that keep our modern world humming.
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Silicon's Earthy Rollercoaster

10. Silicon's Earthy Rollercoaster

Feeling a little "loopy" on this periodic table rollercoaster? Silicon is here to provide the building blocks for an Earth-themed park! Seriously, though: Silicon is integral to the structure of many minerals like feldspar, mica, pyroxene, and quartz, as its silica tetrahedron creates various frameworks and bonds in silicate minerals, with some help from its buddies, magnesium and iron ions.
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11. Toothpaste's Geological Affair

Toothpaste's hidden talent – moonlighting as a part-time geologist: Hydrated silica, a common ingredient found in toothpaste, hails from the Earth’s crust and diligently scrubs away plaque and stains, all while keeping our pearly whites squeaky clean with its gentle abrasive properties.
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12. Clear Quartz's Dating Profile

If Clear Quartz had a Tinder profile, it would describe itself as a "crystal healer and energy amplifier, seeking other crystals to cleanse and amplify energy, no fortune-telling, just fun": Silicon dioxide, commonly found in Clear Quartz, boasts powerful healing properties and was utilized in ancient times for a variety of purposes, including Roman signet rings and as a protective talisman against malevolent forces.
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13. Silicon Plays Electric Hide-and-Seek

If you think silicon is just for technogeeks and beach bums, you're in for a shocking surprise: this versatile metalloid plays hide-and-seek with electricity, conducting it under certain conditions while maintaining its composure, making it the MVP in our smartphone chips and solar panels.
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