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Top 10 Nickel Wonders: Unbelievable Fun Facts About This Versatile Metal!

illustration of nickel
Dive into the fascinating world of nickel as we explore some surprisingly fun and intriguing facts about this versatile metal!

1. White Dwarf Star Chefs

Who knew that white dwarf stars were such master chefs, cooking up a celestial stew of metallic goodness? They're like the cordon bleu supernovae of the cosmos! *chef's kiss*: As it turns out, when a white dwarf star that's near its maximum stable mass orbits another star and goes kaboom, it creates a Type Ia supernova, which is chock-full of manganese, iron, and nickel, playing a major role in the chemical evolution of galaxies.
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2. Sweden's Nickel Name

It's not Sweden's fault, but they certainly coined the name: Nickel actually owes its moniker to the German word for a mineral called kupfernickel, which was initially believed to carry copper before its true nickel essence was unveiled.
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3. Coin Superheroes

Who needs superpowers when you've got nickel in your pocket: This mighty metal not only keeps coins in circulation for years because of its durability, but also helps them resist corrosion like tiny superheroes of the currency world.
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4. Nickel's Universal Presence

Ever feel like you've met your "nickel"odeon of luck? Well, it turns out the universe agrees, and this shiny element is more than just chump change: Nickel is not only found in Earth's core but is also the fifth-most common element on the planet, present in meteorites, and serves as a vital nutrient for plants.
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Man of Steel's Secret Ingredient

5. Man of Steel's Secret Ingredient

Ever wondered why The Man of Steel always has such a shine to his cape? He may have nickel to thank for it! This shining superhero of the element world isn't just limited to making your stainless steel cutlery sparkle: Nickel is an essential ingredient in rechargeable batteries like nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) batteries, commonly used in hybrid vehicles, offering efficient energy storage and release – just like our caped hero saving the day!
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6. Stainless Steel Party Guest

If stainless steel cookware ever threw a party, nickel would be the unexpected guest that subtly livens up the atmosphere: Stainless steel actually contains 10% nickel in its most common 18/10 composition, but fear not - the minuscule amounts released during cooking aren't enough to spoil the taste or affect your daily intake. Time to sizzle with confidence, foodies!
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7. Aerospace Alloy Heroes

In a world where "nicking" a trophy means stealing, Nickel swoops in and saves the day, donning its Superman cape in the form of powerful aerospace alloys: Wasaploy and Alloy X-750 have people exclaiming "up, up, and away!" as their high-temperature and corrosion resistance make them the superheroes of aircraft and pressure vessel materials!
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8. Modern World's Secret Hero

Nickel, the secret hero of the modern world: saving our screens from cracks, our data from loss, and our glasses from drooping! Did you know this mighty metal is not only used in coins and stainless steel, but it's also an essential component in rechargeable batteries, electronic devices, and shape-memory alloys?
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9. Mysterious Nickel Coin

Hold onto your pennies, folks, because we're about to drop a minor bombshell about your favorite chunk of small change: the U.S. five-cent coin, affectionately dubbed the "nickel," has actually been made of 25% nickel and 75% copper ever since 1866, thanks to the rarity of the metal during the Civil War which forced an alloyed approach, leaving us with a coin that carries a name from its most elusive ingredient.
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Stealthy Eco-Warrior

10. Stealthy Eco-Warrior

Who knew Nickel had been quietly vroom-vrooming into our lives like a stealthy eco-warrior on a mission? Surprise: Nickel is a key component in many hybrid electric vehicles, such as the Toyota Prius, and crucial to their nickel-metal hydride batteries— powering not just our environmentally friendly rides but also older battery types like nickel cadmium and lead acid, and having a significant role in storing solar energy.
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