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Discover the Magic: Top 12 Fascinating Fun Facts About Crystals You Never Knew!

illustration of crystals
Get ready to be dazzled as we explore the mesmerizing world of crystals and unveil some of their most fascinating secrets!

1. Crystal Real Estate: Size Matters

Move over, Goldilocks, there's some serious crystal real estate for your consideration: depending on the cooling process - whether it's slow like a sloth enjoying a day at the spa or faster than a newly single mama on a shopping spree, the size of crystal formations can vary dramatically, with larger crystals forming in slow cooling environments and smaller crystal formations or even glassy textures in faster cooling conditions, all thanks to the natural cooling of magma from the Earth’s crust!
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2. Superman's Crystal Kryptonite Crisis

Who knew Superman had a sensitive side? He can save the world, but can't handle a little Green Kryptonite on his salad: This infamous Kryptonite causes physical pain, debilitation, and even death for superpowered Kryptonians, while ironically leaving humans and non-super Kryptonians unaffected. Other Kryptonite varieties such as Red, Gold, White, Blue, and Black have diverse consequences, ranging from weird personality changes to leaving plants incredibly unhappy. Just remember folks, it's not a "crystal" problem, but a chemical conundrum, specifically sodium lithium boron silicate hydroxide with fluorine!
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3. Candy Crystals Rock the Party

Ever noticed the wild crystal party happening in your candy dish? From rock candy's jagged dance moves to fudge's smooth groove, these sweet treats are dancing to different crystalline rhythms: It's all about the size and formation of sugar crystals, you see; rock candy forms large shapes through a slow sugar syrup cool-down, while fudge boogies to continuous stirring that spawns smaller ones. With cotton and glass candy twirling in non-crystalline steps, a candy's texture is all about how the sugar syrup takes five during the cooling process.
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4. Calcite and Fluorite: Shape-shifting Minerals

Shape-shifting minerals caught in an identity crisis: Calcite and fluorite adopt various geometric alter-egos like rhombohedrons, scalenohedron, hexagonal prisms, pinacoids, octahedrons, and cubes based on their growth conditions and surrounding environment.
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Quartz Crystals: Time Machine of the 70s

5. Quartz Crystals: Time Machine of the 70s

Who needs a time machine when you've got quartz crystals? That's right, these rock stars have been rocking our worlds since the groovy 70s: Quartz crystals are crucial for precise time measurement in modern gadgets such as frequency generators, spectrum analyzers, and rain sensors, and they even revolutionized timekeeping by replacing mechanical clockworks with electrically powered quartz timepieces in the 1970s. So next time you're enjoying seamless wireless communication, don't forget to give a shoutout to these ingenious pieces of nature!
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6. Jack Frost's Window Doodles: A Humid Warning

When Jack Frost decides to doodle up a storm on your bedroom window, he might just have a secret message for you: Excess water vapour inside your home can cause ice crystals to form on windows, leading to issues such as frame damages, insulation problems, and even the growth of toxic mould and mildew – so addressing indoor humidity is crucial!
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7. Snowflakes: Mother Nature's Icy Art

Snow doubt about it, Mother Nature has quite the icy sense of humor: each snowflake, though seemingly "snowly" six-sided, is truly unique in structure due to ever-changing temperature and humidity levels in the atmosphere, resulting in an intricate classification system of dazzling dendrites, peculiar plates, and charming columns – making each flake a frosty work of art.
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8. Crystal Radios: Powered by Mineral Magic

Back in the good old days, when radios couldn’t tune into Breaking Bad and had no "bad habits" to drop off Crystal Meth, they were powered by something even cooler: crystals! The crystal radio, a classic golden oldie, used crystalline minerals like galena as its main ingredient, requiring no external power and relying solely on incoming radio signals to produce sound. How radioactively rad is that?
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9. Bismuth Crystals: Groovy Stairway to Heaven

Bismuth crystals are the stairway to heaven of the mineral kingdom, complete with a psychedelic wardrobe that would make even Jimi Hendrix jealous: These groovy crystals boast a unique spiral staircase structure due to their faster growth on the edges, and their vibrant rainbow hues are a result of differing oxide layer thicknesses causing various wavelengths of light to tango and interfere with one another.
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The Heaviest Beryl Crystal: A Mineral's Big Diet

10. The Heaviest Beryl Crystal: A Mineral's Big Diet

Why did the crystal go on a diet? Because it had a beryl big problem with over-growing: In fact, the largest beryl crystal ever found hailed from Madagascar, stretching a whopping 18 meters long and 3.5 meters wide, and tipping the scales at a hefty 380,000 kilograms ─ talk about being a heavy mineral! These colossal crystals can form through various processes like magmatic and metamorphic occurrences, and can be found in rocks or even fluid deposits like evaporites.
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11. Mars' Opal Discovery: Extraterrestrial Gemstones

Who needs a Martian jeweler when you've got NASA's Curiosity rover? Boasting an impressive discovery that would make any Earthly gem enthusiast green with envy: The tenacious rover has uncovered precious opal gemstones on Mars, specifically within an ancient dried-up lake basin! These opal-rich halos hint at Mars' watery past and could potentially serve as a source for astronaut hydration or future human exploration. Beam us up, science!
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12. Viking Sunstones: Ancient Navigation Apps

Before GPS and compasses, Vikings had their own magical "app": Sunstones! Known to make even Jack Sparrow jealous, these navigational gems helped them find their way across the northern Atlantic: Scientists suggest that ancient sailors used polarizing crystals, like Iceland spar, to locate the Sun even on cloudy days, according to a review in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. Sail on, Viking navigators!
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