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Discover the Shiny Secrets: Top 14 Fun Facts About Aluminum You Never Knew!

illustration of aluminum
Get ready to be dazzled by the lightweight champion of metals, as we unwrap some of the most fascinating and lesser-known tidbits about the versatile world of aluminum!

1. Molar Magic: Soda Can Weight Wonders

Hey aluminum-can-iacs, ever wonder why that soda can doesn't weigh you down on your way to quenched-dom? Molar magic to the rescue!: With a molar mass of 26.98 grams per mole, it takes just 0.52 moles of aluminum to make a 14-gram soda can - the same versatile metal that graces your aircraft, smartphones, and Earth's crust alike.
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2. Ironing Board Hack: Aluminum Foil Shortcut

Care for a steamy encounter with your ironing board? Unleash your inner domestic superhero with this nifty trick and take your ironing game to new heights: Placing a layer of aluminum foil under your ironing board cover can significantly cut down on ironing time by reflecting heat back onto the garment, making those stubborn creases vanish in no time while preventing moisture build-up and mold growth under the cover. Just don't forget to bid the foil adieu once you achieve pristine glory!
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3. Aluminum: The Rust-Fighting Superhero

You might think aluminum is just a humble sidekick in the metal family, always playing second fiddle, but rumor has it that it wears a shiny cape and fights off dastardly rust villains in its free time: This mighty metal valiantly resists corrosion due to a protective oxide layer that forms when it's exposed to air or water, making it a go-to hero for a wide array of applications.
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4. Maverick & Goose's Aluminum Secret: AA2024's Versatility

Who knew the humble aluminum had closer ties to Maverick and Goose than meets the eye, making every trip to the skies a high-flying adventure: You see, AA2024, an aluminum alloy, is the jack-of-all-trades, used not only in aircraft structures, but also in rivets, missile components, and truck wheel hubs, all due to its high specific strength, rigidity, and impressive corrosion resistance!
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Aquatic Aluminum: Corrosion Resistance Under Pressure

5. Aquatic Aluminum: Corrosion Resistance Under Pressure

Ready for an aluminum encounter of the aqueous kind? Take a dive into the world of metals that refuse to rust under pressure: Aluminum's corrosion resistance isn't just about the oxygen present in water, it stays strong even if the water's aerated or deaerated. Moreover, an aluminum roofing sheet can weather the storm, but a tank with stagnant water might see some pitting corrosion. Who knew aluminum had such a versatile aquatic resume!
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6. Aluminum Royalty: Washington Monument Capstone

In a world where aluminum foil wrapped swans guard delicious leftovers, one metal dared to shine brighter than gold: Along came the Washington Monument Capstone in 1884, which was crafted from aluminum to symbolize its incredible worth and prominence, reigning as the largest piece of aluminum on Earth at that time.
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7. Aluminum's Kardashian Era: Fallen Luxurious Metal

Once upon a time, aluminum was the Kardashians of the element world: flashy, rare, and more expensive than gold and silver. But much like the reality family, no one could escape it for long: Thanks to advancements in aluminum production, the once luxurious metal lost its glamorous sheen and now lives a humble life in soda cans and Little League bats.
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8. Aluminum Mafia: Recycling Domination

Feeling foiled yet? Turns out there's an aluminum-mafia in town, making sure you stay stocked with cans, foils, and dental amalgams: Almost 75% of all the aluminum ever produced is still in use today, thanks to its ease of recycling and cost-effectiveness, making it one of the most recycled materials on earth and contributing 80% to the U.S. supply chain.
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9. Aluminum's Mirror Trick: Shine and Polish

Mirror, mirror, on the wall – or maybe on a motorcycle: Aluminum can be sanded and polished to achieve a mirror-like finish, perfect for engine components or wheels, but may require a protective sealer to keep it safe from water etching and staining.
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Reynolds' Sixties Savior: Oven Bags & Baking Cups

10. Reynolds' Sixties Savior: Oven Bags & Baking Cups

Before "winging it" was about chickens taking flight, it was all about women balancing the kitchen and the office in the swinging sixties: Reynolds swooped in and saved the day by introducing oven bags, wax paper, and baking cups in the late 1960s, easing the cooking burden on busy working women and providing quick, convenient solutions for the households keeping pace with changing times.
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11. Eco-friendly Aluminum Phoenix: Recycling Adventures

Aluminum: the unsung hero of your soft drink's last stand, always ready to rise from the recycling bin, like a phoenix from the ashes, for another eco-friendly adventure! The nitty-gritty: Recycling one ton of aluminum cans saves up to 95% of the energy needed to make the same amount from raw bauxite ore, significantly cutting back on the consumption of natural resources and greenhouse gas emissions. So, when you recycle that soda can, just imagine yourself as an environmental superhero, saving the world one can at a time!
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12. Aluminum vs. Aluminium: Metallic Identity Crisis

When aluminum walks into a bar, it can't decide whether to introduce itself as Aluminum or Aluminium: this metallic identity crisis can be traced back to Sir Humphry Davy, who initially named it "Alumium" and later used "Aluminum." However, other British chemists favored "Aluminium" for its classical vibe. Today, North America sticks with "Aluminum," while the UK and other English-speaking countries opt for "Aluminium" – either way, you're in good company with this lightweight element.
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13. Fairy Godmother Aluminum Oxide: From Gems to Protection

If iron is the Cinderella of metals, then aluminum oxide is certainly the Fairy Godmother with a chemical wand: this natural compound not only bestows us with gem-quality jewels but also keeps our appliances and skin protected with its remarkable thermal conductivity and inert properties.
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14. Aluminum & Gallium: The Periodic Family's Popularity Spectrum

When aluminum and gallium walk into the periodic family reunion, aluminum is like the popular cousin with its name on everyone's kitchen foil, while gallium remains the intriguingly mysterious relative everyone is dying to know more about: Despite being fellow members of the boron clan, aluminum is the third most abundant element on Earth's crust and used in everyday items, whereas gallium is a rare, unassuming metal that lives incognito, hiding out in bauxite and zinc ores waiting to be discovered.
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