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11 Surprising Fun Facts About Air Pressure You Need to Know!

illustration of air-pressure
Get ready to be blown away as we dive into the fascinating world of air pressure with our incredible collection of buoyant fun facts!

1. Whale Rib Cage Flexibility

Whoever said whale ribs are high-pressure relationship experts must have been onto something: Whale's rib cage and lung structure are so flexible that they can withstand immense pressure, allowing these giant ocean dwellers to dive up to 7,000 feet or deeper just to snag some sushi - giant squid style!
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2. Vacuum Mouth Party Trick

Ever heard of a party trick so impressive it would leave friends sucking in air and spitting out amazement? Well, buckle up, because we've got a vacuum-tastic tidbit that's guaranteed to inflate your ego – just don't wet your whistle in the process: If one could create an absolute vacuum in their mouth, the air pressure difference would cause water to climb up to a staggering 30 feet high in a straw – remember, the height it needs to conquer is key, not the total straw-to-mouth journey distance!
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3. Ears' Musical Chairs

Ever feel like your ears are playing musical chairs when taking off in a plane or plunging underwater as you scuba dive? You're not imagining things: Air pressure changes during altitude changes can cause ear barotrauma, resulting in pain or discomfort in the ear, sensations of fullness or stuffiness, hearing loss, and other symptoms. Prevention methods include chewing gum, gently exhaling while holding your nostrils closed and mouth shut, or sucking on candy. Scuba divers should also descend and ascend gradually to avoid severe barotrauma, especially when dealing with allergies or a respiratory infection.
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4. Buoyant Hot Air Balloons

You may have heard the phrase "full of hot air," but perhaps it should really be "full of buoyant air:" It turns out that hot air balloons don't rely on lower pressure inside to fly, but rather it's the buoyancy of the heated air, and the mechanical structure of the balloon like the shape and tension of the ropes, that keep them soaring high.
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High-Altitude Smartphone Photos

5. High-Altitude Smartphone Photos

When phones brave the odds and reach new heights, not even a Sherpa can deny their resolve: In 2013, a group of climbers at Mount Everest captured the world record for the highest-altitude photo taken by a smartphone, proving that with a little caution, decreased air pressure won't thwart their electronic ambitions.
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6. Altitude Sickness Rollercoaster

Feeling like you're on cloud nine, just to end up hugging the porcelain throne? Blame it on altitude sickness: Affecting individuals at elevations as low as 8,000 feet, this condition occurs when the body struggles to adapt to decreased air pressure and oxygen levels, leading to symptoms like nausea, dizziness, and shortness of breath—with anyone susceptible, regardless of age, sex, or health, and up to half of high-altitude climbers afflicted.
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7. Spud-Tacular Projectile Weapons

Ever fancied transforming your potato into a spud-tacular projectile weapon? Fear not, for spud guns are here to save the day: These air-pressure launchers come in various types, including combustion, pneumatic, and hybrid designs, with the hybrid launcher reigning supreme in power, utilizing a pre-pressurized mix of fuel and air for maximum propulsion—but handle with care, as these veggie bazookas can potentiality be more menacing than they a-peel.
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8. Great Barometer Battle

Who needs liquid metal when you've got a pocket protector? In the great barometer battle of 1844, the mercury barometer dropped the mic but picked up some serious competition: French scientist Lucien Vidi swooped in and created the aneroid barometer, relying on a sealed metal chamber instead of slippery mercury. This nifty gadget measured air pressure changes more cheaply and portably, without the messy spills!
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9. Emperor Penguin Diving Skills

Who needs scuba gear when you've got penguin power? Emperor penguins put professional divers to shame with their astounding aquatic antics: These tuxedoed daredevils can hold their breath for an astonishing 22 minutes and dive up to 1,800 feet deep, thanks to their incredible oxygen storage and high-pressure tolerance – all to catch a tasty snack of slippery fish, krill, or squid!
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Pressure Cooker vs Car Tire

10. Pressure Cooker vs Car Tire

Feeling the heat in the kitchen? Just think of your car's tire cooking up a five-course meal in record time: The pressure inside a pressure cooker can reach almost 30 pounds per square inch (psi), roughly twice the pressure of a typical car tire, allowing water to boil at higher temperatures and food to cook faster while retaining more moisture. Just remember - add the minimum amount of water for a safe culinary expedition!
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11. Wind Turbine Tango

When air pressure and wind decide to tango and choreograph the "lift and drag" show at the colossal wind turbine theater, it's not all hot air: In reality, a single wind turbine performance can power a staggering 400 homes with raw, renewable electricity!
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