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Unlocking the Secrets: Top 11 Surprising and Entertaining Facts About the Number 18

illustration of the-number-18
Embark on a numerical adventure as we dive into the world of 18, where mathematical whimsy meets surprising trivia!

1. Age of Majority Around the World

Feeling 18 everywhere? Think again, Agent 007: While many countries set the age of majority at 18, others differ: Iran and Yemen at 15, Algeria and South Korea at 19, and Honduras at 21. Age requirements vary for voting, drinking, driving, and other activities, so don't count your licenses before they hatch!
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2. The Elusive Octadecagon

Step right up and meet the lesser-known cousin of the octagon, the mysterious, the intricate, the mathematical marvel: The octadecagon! No, this isn't a lost polygon from a geometric soap opera: It's a real shape with 18 straight sides, and "octa-" standing for eight, like the famous octagon. So grab your protractor and prepare to astound, because now you too can identify one of geometry's more elusive stars!
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3. Argon: The Noble Gas Hero

Did you ever wonder what makes Superman's Fortress of Solitude so sleek and stylish, or where the brilliant minds at Apple got their inspiration for those dashing aluminium finishes on their products? Look no further than the noble gas of confidence, Argon: the mighty number 18 in the periodic table, a metal industry hero and proud parent to the dazzling titanium. Besides rocking a rather dashing invisible cape, this unsung element also has a hidden talent; when zapped with high-voltage electric fields, it becomes a one-man light show, putting on a stunning violet performance!
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4. Elephants' Beatles Phase

When The Beatles just weren't beetle-y enough: at the ripe age of 40, male elephants enter their John, Paul, George, and Ringo phase, becoming the fab four of the animal world. Their reproductive success skyrockets between 40 and 55, mainly due to their increasing size, strength, and experience, resulting in these mammoth maestros fathering three-quarters of all elephant calves.
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Harshad Number Hall of Fame

5. Harshad Number Hall of Fame

Get ready to have your mind "sum-pressed" with this numerical tidbit: The number 18 is a Harshad number, meaning it's divisible by the sum of its digits, joining the ranks of other mathematical rebels such as 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, and 20 in the Harshad number hall of fame.
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6. Jewish Connection to the Number 18

Whoever said "age ain't nothing but a number" clearly didn't know the Jewish connection to the number 18: In Jewish tradition, 18 is linked with the Hebrew word "chai" (meaning "life") since the two letters forming "chai" have a numerical value of 18. Charity in multiples of 18 is often given as a symbol of extending prosperity and life to others, showing it's not just about luck but about cherishing life and taking care of one another.
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7. The Wild Collagen Party

Hold on to your britches, because the collagen party is about to get wild: As the most abundant protein in our bodies, collagen keeps us from falling apart, literally, with its triple helix structure and its make-up of glycine, proline, hydroxyproline, and hydroxylysine. Boasting 28 different types, the most popular collagen attendee is Type I, making up over 90% of our body's collagen supply. Besides being a connector in our bones, tendons, and skin, this incredible protein moonlights as a tissue regenerator and a wound healer in reconstructive surgeries and hemostatic treatments.
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8. Roulette Wheel's Game of Colors

Feeling lucky, punk? Welcome to the roulette wheel's treacherous game of black and red kerfuffle, where the odds are stacked in favor of a cheeky green interloper: Believe it or not, there are 18 red and 18 black numbers on a roulette wheel, and merely one green number, rendering the odds of victory at 50% for color bets and a slim 2.7% for the green champ. Spin wisely, dear gamblers!
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9. Tobacco Laws in the U.S.

Back in the foggy days of yore, when tobacco was the coolest thing since chills hit a penguin's knee: states in the U.S. set their own minimum age for puffing on those rebellious cylinders. By 1997, federal law struck the hammer down on 18, holding tight until 2019 when 21 became the magical number for a smoky adulthood.
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18th Anniversary's Blue Theme

10. 18th Anniversary's Blue Theme

Feeling blue on your 18th anniversary? Wear it with pride! The color of truth, loyalty, and pure old-fashioned devotion comes to the rescue when you're scrounging for a thoughtful gift: Surprise your spouse with a reminder of your unbreakable bond by choosing blue-themed presents, be it a charming bouquet of blue flowers or a stunning piece of blue jewelry. That's a true-blue way to celebrate a milestone!
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11. Hebrew's Jolly Charity Figure

Hebrew hath ways of making you give: the fine, comical custom of Judaic charity revolves around the number 18, known as "chai," meaning "life." This jolly figure is the sum of two Hebrew letters, chet (8) and yud (10), and became a mainstay of charitable giving in the early 20th century through the Kaparot ritual before Yom Kippur to symbolically ensure the giver's name is lovingly inscribed within the Book of Life.
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