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Discover the Top 7 Fascinating and Surprising Fun Facts About Plastic You Never Knew!

illustration of plastic
Prepare to be mind-blown as you embark on a fascinating journey unraveling the quirky and lesser-known aspects of the ever-present plastic that adorns our daily lives!

1. India's Plastic Roads

Who said recycling can't be smooth and asphalt-tastic? In the land of Bollywood and spicy curries, they're laying roads with plastic: Over 100,000 km of India's roads, including 703 km of National Highways and 13,000 km of rural roads, have been constructed using a mix of waste plastic and bitumen. Thanks to a patented process developed by Dr. Rajagopalan Vasudevan, this eco-friendly technology not only curbs plastic pollution but also cuts costs and extends road longevity, making it a show-stopper for both the environment and infrastructure.
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2. LEGO's Plant-Based Blocks

As LEGO takes a leaf out of Mother Nature's playbook by branching out into plant-based greens: they've introduced a range of botanical building blocks, like leaves, bushes, and tree-shaped pieces, made from sugarcane-derived plastics. The verdant venture currently forms a small part of LEGO's output, but they've set a tree-mendous goal to fully switch to sustainable materials, including bioplastics and recycled plastic, by 2030.
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3. Credit Card Consumption

Cancel your gym membership and socialize your abs with this world-renowned workout: eating your credit card! That's right, you're practically munching plastic like it's a side of fries: A World Wildlife Fund study revealed that we consume microplastics equivalent to the size of a credit card every week, thanks to their presence in everyday objects and unexpected locations like national parks and even the Arctic.
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4. Edible Bioplastic: SEAsoning

Feeling peckish for some plastic? Enjoy this mouth-watering and eco-friendly fusion of potato starch and seaweed: SEAsoning, a nutritious and sustainable edible bioplastic, slows down sugar absorption, balances insulin, boosts gut health, and minimizes cravings while also reducing our carbon footprint and filtering water pollutants. Feast away, guilt-free!
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New Zealand's Cardboard Cathedral

5. New Zealand's Cardboard Cathedral

When cardboard was considered groundbreaking architecture, the Kiwis took it quite literally by "tubing it up" in their house of worship: Enter the Cardboard Cathedral in Christchurch, New Zealand, designed by architect Shigeru Ban, a fascinating mix of 96 cardboard tubes, wood beams, timber, steel, and just a dash of polycarbonate on the roof, serving as both a conference center and a cathedral that can hold 700 worshippers since its debut after the 2011 earthquake.
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6. Plastic's Role in Artificial Hearts

Who knew that plastic could keep a beat? We're not talking about a retro vinyl record here, but a real heart throbber: In 1969, plastic played a crucial role in the development of the Liotta-Cooley artificial heart, made of Dacron fabric and Silastic plastic. These materials paved the way for mechanical circulatory support systems as a bridge to transplant, revolutionizing the treatment of severe heart failure. Talk about a pumping good time!
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7. Umbilical Hernia Surgery with Synthetic Mesh

When umbilical hernias and belly buttons meet in the OR, it's not always smooth sailing: a high-stakes game of Operation commences, with surgeons delicately maneuvering to avoid the wrath of the deep umbilical perforators. The stakes are high, but fear not, intrepid doctors! Our saviors don a brilliant technique: sublay placement of synthetic mesh, ensuring the umbilical stalk and perfusion live to see another day!
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