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Discover the Top 13 Incredible Fun Facts About Paris That Will Amaze You!

illustration of 3
Get ready to be thrilled by the magic of number three, as we dive into a treasure trove of quirky, fascinating, and downright mind-blowing fun facts about the world's favorite digit!

1. Earthly Triple Tango

Feeling a little "three-mused" today? The Earth happens to be third in line when it comes to the solar system's conga dance: Earth is the third planet from the Sun, making it part of the rocky, terrestrial planet group, and perfectly placed in the Goldilocks Zone for flowing water and flourishing life.
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2. Mozart's Trilogy Twist

Three cheers for Freemasonry's treasured number and Mozart's secret obsession: In The Magic Flute, Mozart not-so-subtly snuck in the number 3 as a nod to the Freemasons' pillars of strength, beauty, and wisdom. From an overture with 3 flats to set designs with 3 doors, and even characters like the Three Ladies and Three Boys, these Trois Amigos find themselves everywhere in the opera – conspiring to unite the Austrian monarchs with their people and sing the praises (literally) of the power of 3.
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3. Divine Triquetra Tangle

When your love triangle involves the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, you know it's about to get divine: The triquetra, or trinity knot, has long been repurposed by Irish Christians to symbolize the holy trinity, linking the divine characters together in an eternal bond that continues to resonate with our spiritual side.
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4. Pyramid Timeshare Turmoil

Queue the pyramid scheme jokes, folks: It turns out the Giza Necropolis was divvied up like an archaeological timeshare in 1903! Italian, German, and American scholars each got a piece of the pyramidal pie – Ernesto Schiaparelli bagged the southernmost strip, Georg Steindorff scored Khafre's pyramid and the Sphinx, and George Reisner nabbed the northernmost slice including Menkaure's pyramid. All this ancient property swapping lasted until 1905 when the Italians handed their land over to the Americans.
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Slow-mo Sloth Spectacle

5. Slow-mo Sloth Spectacle

Slower than a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter: The three-toed sloth holds the impressive title of being the slowest mammal on Earth, gracelessly gliding through the rainforest canopy at an astonishingly sluggish average speed of 0.003 mph, barely covering a whopping 100 feet in a day!
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6. Color Wheel Coup

Primary color conspiracy, say it ain't so: Turns out the rumored red, yellow, and blue color trio aren't the true pigment champions that paint the world's hues. Alas, the RYB squad has been dethroned by the cool kids of CMYK – cyan, magenta, yellow, and the mysteriously key black – who waltz their way through printing and design with a more accurate color gamut and intensity to flaunt.
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7. Lithium's Light Life

What did lithium say at the AA meeting? Hi, I'm number 3 and I keep things light!: Lithium, the element with an atomic number of 3, is the lightest metal on the periodic table, and its key properties make it vital for powering gadgets like smartphones, stabilizing nuclear reactors, and even treating mental illnesses.
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8. Fairytale Family Trio

Bearing all in mind: Once upon a time, there lived a bear-y famous trio in the woods - a little, small, wee bear, a middle-sized bear, and a great, huge bear - who made their literary debut in "Goldilocks and the Three Bears," penned by English writer and poet Robert Southey in 1837. Plot twist: Goldilocks was just the sidekick, bumping an obscene old lady off the original narrative, but she soon became a permanent fixture, leaving the elderly antagonist hibernating in the echelons of forgotten tales.
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9. Threesy Matter Magic

Get ready for a "threesy" ride through the weird science of everyday matter: the number 3 surprisingly holds the keys to unlocking the states of matter! Behold this trio of truth – solid, liquid, and gas – ruled by the triple threat of shape, volume, and compressibility. There's a hat trick for you, all proving that 3 really is the charm when it comes down to the core properties of matter!
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Lucky Six Flow Fiesta

10. Lucky Six Flow Fiesta

When the Devil's number gets a Chinese makeover, things get unexpectedly pleasant and flowing, like a well-mannered river: In Chinese culture, the number 6 is considered lucky because it sounds like the word for "flow" (流, liú), leading businesses to display it for good fortune and even embracing multiples of 6 as a sign of things going smoothly, unlike the devilish association of 666 in Western culture.
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11. Triumphant Musical Threesomes

Three's a crowd, or so they say, but in the world of music and enchanted trios, it's when the magic truly comes alive: A musical trio refers to a group of three musicians that play and sing as a unique, harmonious unit, enriching most chords with three vibrant notes that create an unrivaled sound. This sensational trio phenomenon is not only present in an array of famous bands, such as the Jimi Hendrix Experience and ZZ Top, but also permeates the mystical threads of various cultures and religions, like Norse mythology, Christianity, and our innate penchant for dividing our days into threes: sleep, work, and play.
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12. Apollo's Lunar Extravaganza

Fasten your seatbelts and prepare for lunar lift-off, because this space adventure has a bigger cast than a Star Wars movie: The Apollo program employed 400,000 people and teamed up with over 20,000 industrial firms and universities, successfully landing the first humans on the moon and bringing back a whopping 842 pounds of moon loot, aka lunar rocks and soil, for our Earthly analysis and delight!
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13. Triple-threat Card Crusade

When it's time to shuffle the deck but you only have a trio: there's a wide selection of card games specifically designed for the enjoyment of three players, such as Rummy, Crazy Eights, and the German favorite, Skat, making sure your triple-threat game nights never suffer from Four-midable FOMO!
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