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Discover the Wild Side: Top 6 Unbelievable Fun Facts About Veterinarians!

illustration of veterinarians
Dive into the world of furry patients and their medical experts with these fascinating fun facts about veterinarians, because these heroes in scrubs have more to tell than just "meow" and "woof!"

1. Dr. "Snakebite" Flowers: Self-Injected Venom Hero

The curious case of Dr. "Snakebite" Flowers: a man who had a venomous cocktail on the rocks and lived to tell the tale! No, really: Dr. Herschel Flowers, a U.S. Army veterinarian, bravely injected himself with cobra venom multiple times to build immunity and develop life-saving antivenom for troops exposed to dangerous snakes. He even milked over 100 serpents a week, creating a slithery lab of venomous research that ultimately helped the Army combat the bites of coral snakes and kraits.
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2. Veterinarians: Animal Abuse Detectives

Much like Sherlock Holmes sniffing out a criminal, veterinarians always have a bone to pick with evildoers harming our furry friends: They play a key role in identifying and reporting animal abuse, often assisting in investigations and serving as witnesses in court, making the world a safer place for both animals and humans alike.
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3. Florence Kimball: America's First Female Vet

Much to the chagrin of time-traveling Marty McFly, it turns out he couldn't be the first woman veterinarian in America: That honor goes to Florence Kimball, D.V.M. 1910, who earned her degree from the College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) – a remarkable institution that currently boasts a student body comprising about 88 percent women.
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4. Vets: Pet Birth Defect Detectives

Veterinarians: the Sherlock Holmes of the furry world, expertly sniffing out birth defects lurking within your beloved pets like a seasoned detective: These animal doctors are trained to identify both obvious and subtle signs of congenital issues through medical assessments and diagnostic tests, while also enlightening pet parents on preventative measures such as proper nutrition, dodging infectious diseases, and skirting environmental hazards during pregnancy.
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St. Francis: The Original Dr. Dolittle

5. St. Francis: The Original Dr. Dolittle

Back in the day, St. Francis of Assisi was the ultimate Dr. Dolittle, breaking bread with birds, shooting the breeze with squirrels, and hosting his very own version of "Wild Kingdom" way before cable TV became a thing: As the Patron Saint of Ecologists, St. Francis's teachings on compassionate animal care, environmental stewardship, and harmonious coexistence within the ecosystem continue to inspire countless environmental initiatives around the world, including conservation efforts, reforestation programs, and climate activism.
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6. Reindeer Hero Sophia Papageorgiou

Reindeer games aren't all fun and frolics: Sophia Papageorgiou, V96, is a vital Rudolph-saver, working with the Reindeer Life Project in Mongolia to keep herds healthy and preserve the unique way of life for remote reindeer herders by diagnosing and treating tick-borne illnesses.
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