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Discover the Unexpected: Top 8 Fun Facts About the FDA You Never Knew!

illustration of the-fda
Dive into the fascinating world of the FDA, where intrigue meets regulation in a delightful concoction of fun facts that may just blow your lunchbox off the shelf!

1. FDA's Unexpected Responsibilities

From managing your morning cup of joe to keeping your glow-in-the-dark lipstick on fleek, the FDA is the shepherd to a wide array of products that make our lives snazzy: This regulatory powerhouse watches over not just food and drugs, but also medical devices, vaccines, animal feed, cosmetics, and even those sneaky radiation-emitting inventions!
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2. The Jungle's Impact on Meat Inspection

Who knew Upton Sinclair would have a beef with the meat industry? His novel The Jungle was a rare, medium-exposing, and well-done wake-up call: This literary feast led to the Meat Inspection Act of 1906, with federal inspectors now overseeing meat preparation and cooking up our nation's first taste of government-regulated food safety.
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3. The FDA's Name Evolution

From the Witness Protection program to the game of professional Monopoly name changes: The FDA started as the Chemical Laboratory of the Agricultural Division in the Patent Office, then went by the Division of Chemistry under the USDA, and later the Bureau of Chemistry, only to be reborn in 1927 as the Food, Drug and Insecticide Administration, shortened to the snazzy FDA in 1930, and ultimately becoming a part of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare in 1953 and then the Department of Health and Human Services in 1979.
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4. VIP Smoking Cessation Treatments

Step aside, nicotine patches and gum, the FDA has rolled out the red carpet for some VIP (Very Important Pills) to the smoking cessation afterparty: The FDA has approved nicotine-free prescription medications, like varenicline tartrate and bupropion hydrochloride, along with over-the-counter nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products, to help adults aged 18 and above quit smoking effectively while ensuring their safety and minimizing risks.
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The Tapeworm Diet Ban

5. The Tapeworm Diet Ban

In a desperate attempt to wiggle their way into skinny jeans, some people once turned to tapeworms for a slimming solution. Reality bites though: The FDA banned tapeworm pills as a weight-loss aid, thwarting dreams of effortless slimming while protecting the public health from potentially wormy side effects.
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6. Bad Ad Sleuths

Lights, camera, Bad Ad: The FDA hosts an online course for healthcare professionals to identify and report misleading prescription drug promotion, using real-life case studies based on actual warning letters sent to companies accused of such false advertisements.
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7. Debunking the Formaldehyde Myth

Before Colonel Sanders, there was Colonel Formaldehyde: a villainous preservative widespread in the early 1900s, determined to ruin dinnertime. However, contrary to popular belief, the FDA never battled this treacherous vixen in a 1906 syrup heist. Instead, the Pure Food and Drug Act laid down the law, mandating labels with active ingredients and demanding high standards of purity for our culinary delights.
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8. GenomeTrakr: Culinary Crime Fighters

Move over Sherlock Holmes, there's a new detective in town solving the curious case of culinary crimes: The FDA's GenomeTrakr network! This trusty team of public health and university laboratories uses whole genome sequencing to identify and track foodborne pathogens, swiftly responding to outbreaks and protecting our dear tummies with the help of data stored at the National Center for Biotechnology Information. Crime solved, appetite preserved!
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