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Discover the Science of Sound: Top 11 Fun Facts About Cochlear Implants You Never Knew!

illustration of cochlear-implants
Get ready to amp up your knowledge with these fascinating and ear-resistible fun facts about cochlear implants!

1. Baby Bionic Ears

Ever heard of a baby with bionic ears? Brace yourself for the real-deal: Studies have found that children who receive cochlear implants before 18 months of age can develop language skills at a rate similar to their normal-hearing peers, allowing many of them to achieve great success in mainstream classrooms.
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2. Auditory Superhero

What do you get when you cross a determined engineer with a malfunctioning ear? Bionic hearing in the form of an auditory superhero: Cochlear implants are marvels that bypass damaged ear parts to directly stimulate the auditory nerve, granting mere mortals the power to understand speech within just 3 to 6 months of training!
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3. Symphony of Life

Say goodbye to the days of "pardon me, could you repeat that?" and hello to the symphonies of life with cochlear implants: Cochlear's Nucleus Sound Processors allow direct sound streaming to your device without compromising comfort, size, or battery life, while the Nucleus Smart App enables personalized fine-tuning, tracking misplaced processors, and receiving alerts, and with Remote Care, even your clinician visits can be virtual!
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4. Grandma's Volume Booster

Who said getting older has to be dull and silent? Strap on your hearing aids and crank up the volume, Grandma: Cochlear implants have been shown to significantly improve speech perception and quality of life for adults aged 65 and above with moderate-to-profound hearing loss, compared to those using optimal bilateral hearing aids.
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Discreet Super Sidekick

5. Discreet Super Sidekick

If the Bionic Ear goes on a diet, the Speech Processor is your modern-day discreet superhero sidekick: this lightweight and barely noticeable external part of a cochlear implant packs advanced technology that surpasses traditional hearing aids while blending in like a master of camouflage.
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6. Deaf Kittens' Research

Do kittens play soccer? No, but they have been known to handle cochlear implants with aplomb: Deaf white kittens have been used to study the impact of cochlear implantation on the central auditory pathways, displaying tolerance and accurate responses to specific sounds during research into deafness and auditory development.
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7. Cochlear Samba

Well, strap yourself in for a twisty tale: cochlear implants can unexpectedly dance the samba inside a person's body during an MRI scan, leading to discomfort or injury. All jokes aside, this is because the strong magnetic fields and radio waves in an MRI can cause the implant to move or twist, putting patients at risk. So, it's crucial for them to inform their healthcare providers and MR technologists about their implants in advance to ensure safe and proper precautions are taken during the procedure.
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8. Poseidon's Playground Upgrade

From singing in the shower to conquering Poseidon's playground, folks with cochlear implants no longer have to dip their toes in silence: Cochlear's Nucleus and Osia Sound Processors are water-resistant, transforming into waterproof hearing aids with the Aqua+ silicone sleeve, protecting wearers up to 10 feet deep for 2 hours during water-based escapades like swimming, surfing, and snorkeling.
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9. A+ Bionic Linguistics

Ever wondered if a bionic ear might score a baby an A+ in a linguistics test? Get ready for some sci-fi turned reality: Children who receive cochlear implants and intensive therapy before they're 18 months old can develop language skills at a pace comparable to their hearing peers, often thriving in mainstream classrooms.
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Eco-Warrior Battery Swap

10. Eco-Warrior Battery Swap

Step right up, eco-warriors and power-hungry auditory enthusiasts! It's time to ditch the deadweight of disposable batteries and embrace the charged-up chivalry of lithium-ion! The secret behind the magic: Cochlear sound processors with rechargeable lithium-ion batteries offer a longer-lasting, earth-friendly alternative, though their lifespan depends on multiple factors such as programming, implant type, skin thickness, and user habits. But fear not, follow proper care practices like timely charging and rotating through them, and your newfound energy beacons shall serve you well. Find them on Cochlear's online store - Mother Nature will thank you!
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11. Beats by Science History

Step aside, Beats by Dre: the real pioneer of eardrum-shattering innovation began back in 1957 with some well-meaning French scientists. The dynamic duo of André Djourno and Charles Eyriès performed the first direct electrical stimulation of the human auditory system, paving the way for the first cochlear implant in 1961 by Dr. William F. House and Dr. John Doyle in Los Angeles. While the initial implants were more like trying to understand a mumbling toddler, the multi-electrode systems developed in the 1970s fine-tuned the technology, taking it from Pac-Man beeping to full-fledged language comprehension.
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