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Smile Brighter: Top 11 Fun Facts About Braces You Never Knew!

illustration of braces
Get ready to brace yourself for a smile-inducing journey as we explore some fascinating and entertaining tidbits about the world of orthodontics and braces!

1. Ancient Dental Philosophers

Feeling like getting your teeth into some ancient dental history? Brace yourself for a trip back in time: the great minds of Hippocrates and Aristotle were already biting off more than they could chew, positing ways to straighten teeth and fix dental issues around 400 B.C., contributing to the evolution of orthodontics as we know it today.
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2. Dr. Angle: The Dental Detective

Step aside, Sherlock Holmes: The real "dental detective" in history is none other than Dr. Edward Angle! Crowned the father of modern orthodontics, Dr. Angle cracked the case on categorizing crooked chompers with his Angle Classification system in the early 20th century, and it's still being used today to straighten out those pesky tooth and jaw misalignments.
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3. Mummy Dearest's Metal Bands

Before Mummy Dearest could yell "straighten up your teeth!" at those unruly ancient kids with wonky grins, she made sure to forge some metal bands for their chompers, giving birth to the fledgling science of orthodontics: Teeth straightening has been around since 1000 B.C., when the likes of Hippocrates and Aristotle pondered over dental dilemmas. Fast forward to 1728, and Pierre Fauchard took a horseshoe-shaped metal leap to create the first teeth straightening contraption – all this culminating in modern braces and the refined art of keeping a royal French mouth in shape with Etienne Bourdet's techniques.
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4. Roman Teeth in the Afterlife

In the quest for the perfect smile, our ancestors took "bracing" themselves for the afterlife quite literally: Ancient Romans buried their dead with dental appliances, including gold wires for teeth alignment, dating back to 400-300 BC. Modern orthodontics finally emerged in the mid-19th century, evolving from the use of metal bands and horseshoe-shaped iron "bandeaus" to the wire cribs and gum elastics that eventually led to the braces we know today.
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Royal Game of Dental Thrones

5. Royal Game of Dental Thrones

Before braces were "brace"-ing for a jaw-dropping appearance in modern dentistry, they took on a game of Thrones: crafted from gold, platinum, silver, steel, and as odd as it may sound, wood, ivory, and rubber; all forged together to conquer the realm of twisted teeth: The actual odyssey of braces dates back to ancient Egypt, where mummies were found with teeth bound together by metal wires, and a more formal exploration took place in the mid-1700s by a daring dentist named Ettienne Bourdet, who experimented with a multitude of materials for teeth-straightening endeavors.
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6. Groovy 70s Adhesive Revolution

Before the 70s became groovy for your teeth, wearing braces was like having a heavy metal band perform in your mouth, and not in the headbanging way: But fear not, the mid-1970s brought forth modern adhesive technology, which replaced those cumbersome metal bands with more comfortable bonded brackets. So, thanks to adhesive advancements, orthodontic treatment became the disco-tastic experience we all know and love today!
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7. Cosmic Connection of Dental Wires

Houston, we have a solution... for crooked teeth! Brace yourself for this cosmic connection: dental wires used in braces are often made of Nitinol, a nickel-titanium alloy developed by NASA for space travel. Nitinol wires are elastic, flexible, and maintain their shape even when bent and attached to teeth, responding to body heat to ensure a comfy fit for sensitive teeth in children and young adults. And to think, the force behind that perfect smile has its roots in the final frontier!
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8. A-List Braces Trendsetters

Ever been a part of the "train track" clique or had a brush with "metal mouth" stardom? Turns out it's practically an A-list trend: Niall Horan, Emma Watson, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ryan Seacrest, Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, and Drew Barrymore have all sported braces at some point to get those dazzling Hollywood smiles!
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9. Orthodontists: Smile Superheroes

Brace yourselves, orthodontists are coming: not only do they spend three years mastering the art of straightening stubborn teeth and wrangling unruly jaws, they also stay in the loop with the latest gadgetry and gizmos to ensure your smile is aligned and dandy.
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Low-Maintenance Damon Braces

10. Low-Maintenance Damon Braces

Damon braces sure know how to be fashionably late to the regular check-in party! They're the low-maintenance best friend of orthodontics, letting you keep your distance without causing a dramatic scene: Patients with Damon braces typically need fewer appointments during treatment, as cited in a study, and may only require a visit every eight weeks, depending on their orthodontic needs and dental health.
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11. Fight the Plaque-Attack with Proper Arsenal

Brace yourselves for a plaque-attack: the dastardly villain plaguing pearly whites might sneak past your toothy defense if you don't bristle in and floss out with the proper arsenal (including interdental brushes and floss threaders)! Why? Because dental plaque can only be removed mechanically by brushing and flossing your teeth, so alongside your orthodontic sidekicks, it's essential to maintain impeccable oral hygiene to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.
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