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Discover the Write Stuff: Top 8 Fun Facts About Pencils You Never Knew!

illustration of pencils
Dive into the world of graphite and wood as we unveil some fascinating, lesser-known tidbits about the humble pencil!

1. Aztec Origins and Renaissance Revival

Long before the need for a "No. 2" during standardized tests, a trusty companion made its mark on both Aztec artifacts and European parchment: enter the humble pencil! This versatile scribe had its own Renaissance breakthrough in 1795 when Nicholas-Jacques Conte fashioned the graphite-centered wonder we know and love today, although its ancient Aztec predecessor had been scribbling away for centuries before.
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2. The Pencil-Eraser Power Couple

The Supreme Court may have ruled in 1875 that merging the pencil and eraser was more of a "duet" than an actual "invention," yet the long-lasting stationery love affair between these two eventually led to the famed eraser-tipped pencil being aptly dubbed "the power couple of American writing tools": Such was their popularity that the Rev. Silas Delmar Conger even hailed eraser-tipped pencils as a symbol of American resilience in his 1915 sermon, though curiously enough, many other countries chose to keep their pencils and erasers as separate (but equally intriguing) entities.
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3. Steinbeck's Pencil Obsession

Steinbeck and the case of the temperamental pencil: Obsessed with finding the perfect writing instrument, renowned author John Steinbeck would use and then toss away stubby pencils like yesterday's news. As he sharpened mountains of pencils in his electric sharpener, he once confessed to cycling through 12 new Mongol 480 #2:3/8 F round pencils in a single writing session, often causing his pencil sharpener to overheat in protest. He even chose pencils of varying hardness to match his writing ferocity, setting the stage for history's most intense literary pencil showdown.
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4. The Luxurious €9,000 Pencil

When luxury connoisseurs wanted to take a "Stab-oreo" at the drawing board and make sketching a five-star experience: Behold the Graf von Faber-Castell Perfect Pencil (Limited Edition), released in 2001 for a whopping €9,000 (£5,490; $7,080) each! The stunning price tag owes to its 240-year-old olive wood barrel, 18-carat white gold, and a triple threat of dazzling diamonds, all fusing together to celebrate Faber-Castell's 240th anniversary.
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Pencils and Space Lemonade

5. Pencils and Space Lemonade

If life gives you pencils, don't make a space lemonade: Truth be told, both NASA and Soviet space programs opted not to use pencils in space due to the dangers of graphite dust and wood shavings floating around in a confined environment. Instead, they relied on the Fisher Space Pen, an ingenious invention that uses compressed nitrogen to push out thixotropic ink, enabling astronauts to write under zero gravity, vacuums, and extreme temperatures, during iconic missions such as Apollo, Shuttle, and ISS.
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6. Pedal to the Pencil: Recycling Tire Rubber

You've heard of recycling shoes, but how about putting the pedal to the pencil? That's right, folks, your mundane writing stick has a secret life worthy of an action movie sequel: Those unsuspecting pencils house a writing core made from a special rubber compound, concocted from recycled tires, championing sustainability and waste reduction while you scribble away!
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7. The 35-Mile Hangman Game

Ever been stuck on a game of Hangman that felt like it could stretch halfway around the world? Turns out, you might not be that far off with a trusty pencil by your side: A single pencil can, in fact, write about 45,000 words or draw a continuous line up to 35 miles long, as discovered by the sleuths at Discover Magazine.
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8. A Pencil's Magical Manifesto

Imagine being able to pen a marvelous manifesto or draw a doodle dynasty without having to sharpen your trusty graphite sabers! This shocking wizardry of witchcraft is brought to you by no other than your humble pencil: Armed with the ability to write up to 45,000 words, an average pencil is capable of conjuring a short novel or scribbling into the nooks of our imaginations, extending its reign as a favored tool for writers, doodlers, and creative beings alike.
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