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Discover the Wow Factor: Top 12 Amazing Fun Facts About the Manufacturing World

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Get ready to dive into the fascinating world of manufacturing, where industry secrets, surprising stories, and little-known tidbits come to life!

1. Citric Acid: Lemon-Free Chemistry

When life gives you lemons, you don't make citric acid: Citric acid, a widely-used industrial chemical, is actually derived from the fermentation of crude sugars by Aspergillus niger mold, rather than lemons or other fruits.
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2. Manufacturing Day: Turning Factories into Fiestas

Whoever said "TGIF" never met quite the first Friday soiree of October, where factories become the new hotspots and STEM enthusiasts have their day in the sun: Over 1,600 American manufacturers open their doors for National Manufacturing Day, celebrating their innovative contributions and motivating young minds to explore careers in engineering and manufacturing. This unique observance sheds light on a thriving industry, highlighting a rising demand for skilled labor in the nation's manufacturing spectacle.
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3. Corn Starch Diapers: Environmental Parenting Triumph

Diaper-changing parents, behold the power of corn starch! Those endless mountains of never-decomposing diapers might be a thing of the past: A startup called Tethis in Raleigh has developed a biodegradable material from corn starch to replace petrochemical polymers in disposable diapers, attracting the attention of major diaper manufacturers, with plans to open a production plant in North Carolina producing around 700 tons of the eco-friendly alternative yearly, aiming to alleviate the 20% of landfill waste made up of plastic-laden diapers in the US.
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4. Unimate: The Godfather of Industrial Robots

Before Skynet and its Terminator buddies took over, there was a friendly, metal-moving pioneer that started it all: Unimate, the first industrial robot, was invented by George Devol in the 1950s and made its debut on a General Motors assembly line in New Jersey in 1961, transporting die castings and welding them onto auto bodies, thereby saving workers from risky business. To usher in the robotic revolution, Devol and his partner-in-bot-crime, Joseph Engelberger, formed Unimation – the world's first robot manufacturing company – and, to top it all off, Unimate was inducted into the Robot Hall of Fame in 2003.
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Steel: From Iron Musical Chairs to Modern Marvels

5. Steel: From Iron Musical Chairs to Modern Marvels

Once upon a time, steel was made by playing iron musical chairs with charcoal, and the result was astonishingly heavy percussion: today, over 1.6 billion tons of steel are manufactured each year! Thanks to modern manufacturing techniques like the Bessemer process and basic oxygen steelmaking (BOS), production is more efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly than ever before, recycling over 60% of the world's steel into everything from skyscrapers and bridges to anvils and cutlery.
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6. Carbon Capture: Fossil Fuels Join the Green Team

Whoever said going green is a gas must have been a visionary because it's all about capturing some not-so-funny fumes: The U.S. Department of Energy is working on carbon capture and storage technology to reduce emissions and ensure that fossil energy sources don't end up as ancient history in our clean energy future.
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7. Benjamin Franklin: Lightning Meets Electricity

Little did Benny boy know he was about to make a shocking discovery: Benjamin Franklin's infamous kite-flying escapade in 1752 wasn't so much about discovering electricity as it was about proving the connection between lightning and electricity, paving the way for his ingenious invention of the lightning rod.
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8. Power Loom: Weaving Wonders since 1784

Loom and behold, the fabric of society forever changed: Edmund Cartwright's 1784 invention of the power loom took textile manufacturing up a notch, weaving wonders with rapid efficiency and turning clothes creation into a larger-than-life affair.
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9. Broom Evolution: From Sticks to Swanky Sweeping

Before we had Roombas to sweep our worries away, there were brooms that swept the world off its cave-dwelling feet: The first broom was simply a bundle of sticks or plant stems, but it was later upgraded by an American farmer, Levi Dickenson, who created one from sorghum plant stems in 1797, and then further evolved into the flat broom we know today by a clever Shaker woman from Watervliet, N.Y., leading the Shakers to develop foot-powered machinery to mass-produce up to two dozen brooms per person per day in the early 19th century.
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Thermal Sand Reclamation: Beach Bum to Foundry Hero

10. Thermal Sand Reclamation: Beach Bum to Foundry Hero

Before sand knew it could rise like a majestic phoenix from the ashes of foundries, it simply settled for being a beach bum: Thermal sand reclamation, a process for recycling and reusing sand in foundries, was first developed in the 1940s, revolutionizing sand casting and significantly reducing waste generation, while increasing efficiency and lowering the environmental impact.
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11. Pencils: Graphite's Great Masquerade

Pencils, the original graphite-infused magic wands, wielded by authors and students alike for centuries, have been gracefully dodging a notorious scandal: Contrary to popular belief, they never dabbled in lead-poisoning! Behold the true culprits behind the "lead" mystique: a conniving concoction of graphite, clay, and a splash of water, dressed up as an innocent writing utensil after a baking session under the fiery gaze of a scorching oven.
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12. Gummy Supplements: Nutrients Meet Candyland

Gummy supplements: the delicious lovechild of health gurus and a carefree candy craze! These nutrient-rich bites now make up 40% of the $14 billion global gummies and jellies market, all thanks to cutting-edge food formulation and gelatin dreams come to life. Who knew adulting could be so sweet!
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