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7 Smashing Fun Facts About Hammers You Never Knew!

illustration of hammers
Dive into the fascinating world of hammers and discover a treasure trove of little-known tidbits that will nail your interest!

1. The Hammer's Groovy Evolution

Stop... hammer time! Long before MC Hammer was sporting his parachute pants, ancient humans were getting their groove on with a bone or stick, and some stylish leather strings to hold it all together: Around 30,000 BC, tying a handle to the hammer stone revolutionized the game of thwacking things, paving the way for the creation of over 50 specialized hammers we know, love, and occasionally dance with today.
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2. Mjolnir's Mighty Powers

Don't get hammered: Mjolnir, Thor's mighty hammer, is so much more than a celestial flying mallet. It's capable of absorbing and redirecting energy, creating force fields and vortexes, and even meddling with matter on a molecular level. Although it can't simply smash mountains, it compensates with a vast array of incredible powers, firmly establishing its spot among legendary weaponry.
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3. NASA's Space Hammer Adventures

Move over, Thor: There's a new space hammer in town! NASA's InSight lander has been wielding its mighty self-hammering probe to dig into the Martian soil, only to be thwarted by some stubborn space dirt. But fear not, for our cosmic carpenter has still managed to detect over 100 vibration events, unveiling intriguing secrets about the composition of Mars' interior.
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4. Behemoth Blacksmith Hammers

From the departments of "Size Matters" and "There's No Business Like Forge Business," behold the glorious blacksmith power hammer: This majestic beast can range in weight from a mere 50 pounds all the way up to an imposing 100 pounds, depending on whether you're working on dainty horseshoes or forging the next Excalibur. Just make sure your motor's got some muscle and you've got the right tongs to throw down in the metallic arena.
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Fundraising with Style: Hammers and Heels

5. Fundraising with Style: Hammers and Heels

Going once, going twice, hammered: At Habitat for Humanity Williamson-Maury's delightful Hammers and High Heels event, participants joyously swung their sparkling tools and swanked stilettos to raise a whopping $176,000, all for building a cozy house for local single parent Paige Wolf and her lucky daughters.
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6. Thor's Non-Destructive Buddy: The Nylon Hammer

When Thor misplaced his trusty Mjölnir and hankered for a non-destructive alternative: the JTS™ Domed Nylon Hammer came to his rescue! This splendid tool is perfect for shaping soft and precious metals without scratching their surfaces, thanks to the non-marring plastic hammer head, and its 5-inch length and tapered design make it a breeze to create smooth, round domes and spheres.
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7. Hammering Through the Ages: Nuts to Demolition

Hammers: the original Nutcrackers and Flintstones' favorite tool! Though they may not sing like the toys and cartoons, they certainly pack a punch: From stone beginnings in hunting and nut cracking, today's hammers boast diverse designs like claw, sledge, and ball-peen, catering to framing, finishing, and demolishing needs.
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