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Sleep Tight: Top 3 Unbelievable Fun Facts About Beds You Never Knew!

illustration of beds
Dive into the cozy world of beds, where we've tucked in some fascinating, little-known tidbits that will have you hitting the snooze button on your curiosity!

1. Medieval Cuddle Puddles

Medieval sleepovers: where sharing was caring and rampant cuddling could result in surprising bedfellows: In medieval times, modern beds were a luxury, prompting many families and their guests to pile onto straw mattresses together, while it wasn't uncommon for mistresses and servants to also engage in slumbering, and sometimes scandalous, snuggles. Interestingly, the Victorians put an end to this cuddle puddle culture, but recent studies reveal that couples today are increasingly embracing separate beds for a blissful night's sleep.
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2. World's Largest Bed

Feeling a bit bed-raggled from sleeping on that cramped twin mattress? It might be time to consider moving up to something the size of a small village: It turns out that the largest bed ever made was in the Netherlands, measuring a gigantic 26.5 meters (86 feet 11 inches) in length and 16.44 meters (53 feet 11 inches) in width, as part of the Zomerfeesten St Gregorius festival in May 2011 and later recognized by the Guinness World Records.
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3. Origin of "Sleep Tight"

The Bard's bedtime banter: You may have thought that "sleep tight" was coined by a mattress salesman with a penchant for snugly fitting bedspreads, but it turns out the phrase has its roots in Shakespeare's time. It originally meant stable, secured, and soundly, stemming from the 18th century's use of "tight" to mean "still" or "snugly." In the early to mid-19th century, it became a popular way to wish someone goodnight, directly descended from the phrase "sit tight."
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