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Discover the Wonders of Water: 12 Amazing and Fun Facts About the Hydrosphere

illustration of the-hydrosphere
Dive into the fascinating world of the hydrosphere, where curiosity flows and intriguing secrets of Earth's vast waters await to be unraveled!

1. Oceanic Surprise Recipe

If Earth's water were a mixed drink, it would be "The Oceanic Surprise": 97% of Earth's water is stored in the ocean, leaving a meager 1% as fresh water, 2% frozen in glaciers and ice caps, and a minuscule fraction as water vapor in our atmosphere; and in total, over 332,519,000 cubic miles of water slosh on the planet, enough to fill around 352 quintillion gallon-sized milk containers!
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2. Mars: The Water Park Planet

Who knew that Mars was also a water park enthusiast? Turns out, this seemingly arid planet had been hiding a treasure trove of water ice all along: Mars has over 5 million cubic kilometers (1.2 million cubic miles) of identified water ice near or at its surface, enough to cover the entire planet to a depth of 35 meters (115 feet), with the highest concentration at the poles and exceeding 20% at latitudes poleward of 60°.
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3. Bumpy Ocean Dance Floors

Hold onto your scuba masks, landlubbers: turns out our oceans' dance floors are bumpier and more crowded than we thought! Recent satellite measurements by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution revealed that the world's total ocean volume is actually less than previous estimates – the average depth is 12,080.7 feet and the total volume sits at 0.3 billion cubic miles, all due to the presence of undersea mountain ranges and other formations hogging precious H2O space.
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4. Millennia-long Raindrop Spa

If raindrops were people, they might be taking the longest spa retreat ever: Groundwater can have a residence time of 2 weeks to over 10,000 years, meaning some rainwater seeps into the Earth's aquifers and simply chills there for millennia before resurfacing!
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Mother Nature's Water Catch-Up Game

5. Mother Nature's Water Catch-Up Game

Mother Nature's version of Whose Water is it Anyway?: The hydrosphere, which has a constant amount of freshwater that's continually recycled, finds itself in a continuous game of catch-up with the ever-growing human population, causing water scarcity in some regions and increased competition for freshwater resources, even though the overall amount of freshwater on Earth has remained relatively unchanged over time.
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6. Aqua Disco Ball Tease

Thirsty? Don't bother digging down under or chasing after that mystical blue sphere floating over Kentucky like an aqua disco ball at nature's underwater dance party: The liquid fresh water, including groundwater, lakes, swamp water, and rivers, only forms a meager 2,551,100 mi3 (10,633,450 km3) of Earth's water, with 99% of it being groundwater often inaccessible to us mere land-dwelling mortals.
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7. Salty Sailor Blushing Brine Pools

Step aside, salty sailors – the deep sea's got some brine pools that make even the saltiest sailor blush: These underwater seas, with a salinity three to eight times greater than the surrounding ocean, can be as small as 1 square meter or as large as 120 square kilometers, hosting specially-adapted life forms that thrive in their toxic, anoxic conditions.
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8. Antarctica: Ice Queen Champion

Move over, Ice Queen Elsa – Antarctica's got you beat: The Antarctic ice sheet is the Earth's single-largest ice mass, spanning nearly 14 million square kilometers and holding an impressive 26.5 million cubic kilometers of ice – about 90% of the world's total ice and 70% of its fresh water supply, enough to raise sea levels by a whopping 58 meters if it were to melt entirely.
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9. London's Secret Waterways

Going underground: It appears London has enough secrecy to drain an MI6 agent's ink. Fun fact – beneath the bustling streets of the British capital lies a mysterious network of subterranean rivers, which were paved over as the city expanded! These covert currents now wind their way through hidden culverts and secretive sewers: Mayor of London's office already has a strategy to potentially reinstate some of these buried waterways within the framework of the London Rivers Action Plan.
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Treasure-Sprinkled Sea

10. Treasure-Sprinkled Sea

Why did the gold and silver take swimming lessons? They wanted to dive deep into the ocean and join the 25 pounds of gold and 45 pounds of silver in a cubic mile of seawater: This shimmering revelation is all thanks to trace amounts of precious metals found among the 3.5% of salt in seawater – but with a trillion gallons in just one cubic mile, it's more of a treasure-sprinkled sea than a pirate's paradise!
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11. Volcanic Island-Style Hydration

Feeling hot, hot, hot? Island-style hydration might just lava your thirst: Thanks to volcanic rock's porous nature, it acts as a natural water filter, trapping sediment and bacteria, while allowing beneficial minerals like magnesium and calcium to remain, giving it an alkaline twist.
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12. Prehistoric Cosmic Juice

Who needs a fancy water filter when you're sipping on prehistoric cosmic juice? That's right, your humble H2O may just be the elder statesman of the solar system: Scientists believe that up to 50% of Earth's water might have originated from ice specks in a cosmic cloud before our sun even existed, making it millions of years older than the solar system. Thanks to the presence of deuterium-rich water, also known as "heavy water", researchers deduce that some of this ancient ice survived the birth of our planetary neighborhood and eventually found its way to our planet's Hydrosphere. So next time you quench your thirst, give a little nod to the intergalactic legacy in your glass!
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