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Discover the Allure: 14 Dazzling Fun Facts About Opal You Never Knew!

illustration of opal
Get ready to be dazzled as we unearth some truly mesmerizing fun facts about the enchanting gemstone, opal!

1. Opals: The Conversationally-Challenged Water Babies

If opals could talk, they'd definitely have a watery accent, gushing with a bit of eau-de-vie – but don't expect full-on conversations with these shiny stones: Opals are actually formed from hydrated silica and contain anywhere from 3-21% water by weight, which, although significant, still isn't enough for them to hold fluent aquatic dialogues.
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2. Microscopic Rave Inside Opals

Opals have mastered the art of throwing a microscopic rave inside a rock, a party so vibrant the invited colors just can't help but dance on every surface: These dazzling gemstones house minuscule silica spheres that playfully scatter light into a whirlwind of blues, greens, reds, and oranges – an enchanting display dictated by the size, arrangement, and incident light angle of said spheres, often compared to a magnificent, tiny fireworks show with every gleam.
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3. Opal: The OG Gemstone Chameleon

Who needs a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow when you can wear the rainbow itself? Opal is the OG gemstone chameleon: in ancient times, people marveled at its colorful aura, believing it embodied the colors of other precious gemstones like ruby, emerald, and sapphire. They also attributed mystical powers to it, such as preserving the vibrancy of blonde hair!
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4. Opals: The Luis Guzmán of Gemstones

Some might say opals carry the reputation of being the Luis Guzmán of the gemstone family - a supporting character with an abundance of charm and unsung magic: These dashing color-changing stones were once believed to bring good luck and healing, deriving their name from the whimsical Greek term "Opallios." With an origin dipped in ancient myth, opals have since risen to the esteemed position of October's birthstone and the star of both 14th and 18th-anniversary celebrations.
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Lemonade from Opalized Fossils

5. Lemonade from Opalized Fossils

When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade; but when life hands you opalized fossils, you become a gem connoisseur: In Lightning Ridge, Australia, opal miners have crafted their very own trade standards for evaluating black opals, leading to the only location in New South Wales where precious gemstone 3D replicas of ancient creatures have been discovered, making both biologists and jewel enthusiasts sparkle with excitement.
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6. Caesar's Gift & The Opal's Rep

In a twist of Roman romanticism that would make soap operas green with envy, Caesar's gift to his lovely bride - an opal - has been suspiciously smothering the flames of frivolous superstition ever since: Once seen as a token of hope, purity, and good luck by the ancient Romans, opals fell out of favor in the Middle Ages when they were deemed evil and associated with the "Evil Eye." However, their vibrant beauty has persevered, and opals are now the October birthstone, celebrated once again as symbols of hope and innocence.
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7. Martian Connection: Opals from Outer Space

In a twist straight out of a Martian horror story, the glistening opal - Earth's trendy gemstone - might be in cahoots with little green aliens from the Red Planet: NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has discovered opaline silicates on Mars, which indicate the past presence of liquid water and possibly life, dating back to as recently as 2 billion years ago in rather young terrain.
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8. Opals: The Love Child of Rainbows and Unicorns

If dazzling rainbows and mythical unicorns had a love child, opals would be the precious offspring prancing around the world, showing off their fabulous colors: Created by a unique combination of silica and water, opals have a microscopic structure of packed spheres that diffract light, creating a spectrum of stunning hues. However, it's the elusive red "fire opal" that steals the spotlight as the rarest and most valuable of its kind.
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9. Opal Therapy: Mood-Boosting Gemstones

If you're feeling down and opal-less, it might be time to reassess: Opals have absorbent and reflective properties that help promote optimism, self-esteem, and creativity, making them an ideal choice for those seeking to channel positive emotions and express their true selves.
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Black Opals: Outshining Diamonds

10. Black Opals: Outshining Diamonds

Who needs a diamond when you can have the rainbow's elusive cousin? Feast your eyes on the rare gem that puts the "oooh" in "opal": Black opals with a harlequin pattern are so priceless that they outrank even the highest quality diamonds, commanding a dazzling $5,000 to $30,000 per carat.
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11. Proper Storage for Happy Opals

Opals, nature's mood rings: With a splash of H2O, these watery wonders wave adios to humdrum hues and burst onto the gemstone scene with feisty pops of color! But beware, storing these bejeweled beauties in damp dungeons may cause them more harm than good; instead, let your opals snooze in a secure, dry nook to keep them looking tip-top.
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12. Hyalite Opal's Superpower Exposed

Don't be green with envy, but Hyalite Opal has a secret superpower: When exposed to short-wave UV light, this unsuspecting colorless, transparent gemstone transforms into a dazzling green specimen that fluoresces brilliantly. This is due to its unique internal structure, different from precious opal, and its affinity towards volcanic and pegmatite environments.
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13. The Spicy Side of Fire Opals

Don't let fire opals' warm colors and sumptuous hues deceive you; they're not just pretty, spicy nuggets of joy, but something more akin to real-life treasure: Fire opals, especially Mexican fire opals, can be cut into faceted stones or cabochons, ranging from translucent to opaque appearances, and are distinct from the precious opals known for their flashy, colorful play-of-light display.
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14. Sir Walter Scott vs. Opal's True Reputation

Simply a gem of a story: Sir Walter Scott falsely framed opals as harbingers of doom in his novel Anne of Geuerstein, but fret not – these dazzling treasures have historically been adored and prized for their healing powers, luck enhancement, and even a touch of Queen Victoria's royal favor. Just like finding a needle in a haystack, now you can sift through the opal myths and shine a little brighter.
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