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Discover the Top 11 Fascinating and Fun Facts About Mount Pinatubo!

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Get ready to uncover the explosive world of Mount Pinatubo through a collection of fascinating and entertaining facts that are bound to blow your mind!

1. Volcano Real Estate

Who needs a realtor when you can get a volcano to sort out your housing woes? A true tale of hot property: The indigenous Aetas tribes from Mount Pinatubo were granted ownership of ancestral lands, following their displacement caused by the volcano's eruption in 1991. In 2009, 454 families received the first clean ancestral land ownership on Mount Pinatubo with the Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title (CADT) by the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP). Then in 2010, they were joined by 7,000 Aeta families from Zambales, who were awarded the CADT for the Zambales side of Pinatubo. This secured their lutan tua (ancestral land) and provided protection from land exploitation without compensation or consent.
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2. Apocalyptic Makeover

When Mount Pinatubo decided to throw the biggest volcanic party of the century, it really went all out, basically redecorating the entire neighborhood with a swanky new layer of ash: The climactic eruption on June 15, 1991, spewed out 5.5 cubic kilometers of pyroclastic material and pumice, making it one of the top five eruptions of the 1900s, and the aftermath saw pyroclastic flows racing 12 to 16 kilometers away from the vent, transforming nearly 400 square kilometers of landscape into a scene straight out of a post-apocalyptic movie.
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3. Michael Bay's Eruption Envy

Mount Pinatubo's 1991 performance was a volcanic eruption Michael Bay couldn't even dream up: this explosive spectacle launched a whopping 5 cubic kilometers of magma, catapulted eruption columns 40 kilometers high and dropped the Earth's climate game by injecting 17 megatons of sulfur dioxide, ultimately showing us just how vital volcanic aerosols are in climate change.
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4. Pinatubo's Sky Palette

Mount Pinatubo's 1991 performance was a showstopper, alright! Debuting its apocalyptic pyrotechnics, it painted the sky with a surreal smorgasbord of pinks, reds, and blues, making both Monet and Instagrammers green with envy: This volcanic eruption resulted in a vast high-altitude cloud that encircled the Earth, affecting global temperatures by reducing them up to 2 degrees Fahrenheit and contributing to ozone destruction by providing chemical reaction platforms, a truly Oscar-winning spectacle for the eyes and the environment.
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Beware of Beautiful Crater Lake

5. Beware of Beautiful Crater Lake

If you're looking for a dip in quite literally breathtaking waters, Mount Pinatubo's Crater Lake might just steal your heart – and perhaps a little bit of your lung capacity: This mesmerizing, turquoise crater lake was formed after the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines, but don't let its beauty deceive you, swimming is strictly forbidden due to ridiculously high levels of sulfuric acid and other dangerous chemicals lurking beneath the surface.
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6. Mount Pinatubo's Height Loss

Mount Pinatubo threw the mother of all temper tantrums back in '91: The colossal eruption caused it to become the second largest terrestrial eruption of the 20th century, spewing a monstrous cloud of volcanic ash that extended hundreds of miles across and up to 80,000 feet high, while also shrinking the mountain's height by a staggering 1,000 feet.
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7. Tenants Fleeing Hot Neighborhood

In a pyroclastic twist on house hunting, Mount Pinatubo had over 50,000 tenants suddenly looking for a lava-scape change in 1991: The eruption led to widespread destruction, uprooting the indigenous Ayta people, displacing 7,800 families, and resulting in ash fall that affected around a million folks in central Luzon.
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8. Volcanic Sunscreen Clouds

Feeling hot, hot, hot? Not in 1991! Thanks to Mount Pinatubo's burping out tons of sunscreen clouds: The eruption emitted a massive amount of sulfur dioxide that temporarily offset global warming by deflecting 2% of earth's incoming sunlight, cooling down the whole planet. But don't celebrate too soon, as it's also expected to cause ozone layer damage in the stratosphere for years to come!
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9. Aeta's Dramatic Mountainside Retreat

Talk about an escape room with a view: The Aeta indigenous people, fleeing Spanish persecution, found solace on the slopes of Mount Pinatubo for centuries before the massive 1991 eruption. Spoiler alert: This seemingly harmless and eroded volcano turned out to be quite the drama queen, culminating in a June eruption that rocked the world.
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Pinatubo's Global Air Conditioner

10. Pinatubo's Global Air Conditioner

Who turned down the heat in 1991? Mount Pinatubo had its very own air conditioner: This volcanic eruption caused a large injection of aerosols into the stratosphere that formed a global layer of sulfuric acid haze, resulting in a decrease in global temperatures by about 0.5°C (0.9°F) and increased ozone destruction.
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11. Volcanic Rockstar Eruption

Hold onto your ash, folks: Mount Pinatubo's 1991 eruption was like a volcanic rockstar's world tour, belting out 5 cubic kilometers of magma and launching SO2-induced stratospheric pyrotechnics that went global! In plain terms: its eruption was one of the century's largest, spewing out insane columns reaching 40 kilometers in altitude and spreading an aerosol cloud around the Earth within a year, creating the largest disruption since Krakatau's 1883 performance.
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