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7 Amazing Fun Facts About Ice Storms You Won't Believe!

illustration of ice-storms
Prepare to be blown away (but not by the wind) as we unveil the frosty secrets and icy revelations of the world's most chill-inducing weather phenomenon – ice storms!

1. Winter Precipitation Menaces

In a twist straight out of a winter thriller, freezing rain and sleet conspire together to turn benign roads into treacherous ice rinks and trees into power-line-crushing monsters: Two winter precipitation menaces, freezing rain forms an icy shell on surfaces it touches, while sleet is frozen raindrops that drop to the ground, both causing slippery havoc for unsuspecting commuters and measuring the chaos with a simple ruler.
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2. Roof-Weight Woes

Feeling the weight of the world on your roof? Try being a house during an ice storm! When Frosty the Snowman and Jack Frost team up for a slippery shindig, the roofs get all the damage: one inch of ice accumulation adds up to 57 pounds of weight per square foot, which is equal to a whole foot of new snow. Such icy affairs can leave roofs collapsing or damaged, and homeowners with frost-bitten wallets for costly repairs.
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3. Mother Nature's Ice Bucket Challenge

When Mother Nature decided to host her very own Ice Bucket Challenge in 1998, she went all out, throwing a freezing-cold party for the folks in the Champlain and St. Lawrence Valleys: The Great Ice Storm of 1998, lasting from January 5th to 9th, caused extensive damage to millions of trees, leaving the maple sugar and apple industry in shambles for years, and caused billions of dollars in property damage, while millions of people were left powerless in more ways than just laughter.
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4. Dramatic Tree Breakups

What do trees and ice storms have in common? They both have a penchant for dramatic breakups: In fact, ice storms can cause significant damage to trees, resulting in high crown breakage, limb loss, and severe dieback, emphasizing the importance of proper tree care and maintenance by hiring professional services with ISA certification and liability insurance.
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Black Ice Conspiracies

5. Black Ice Conspiracies

Ice storms: the mother nature's way of making the world a glittery, crystalline wonderland and transforming roads into slippery labyrinths. Beware of black ice, that cunning, transparent nemesis of your tires: It lurks on bridges and overpasses, appears unexpectedly, and is especially deceitful during early morning hours, conspiring with overnight snowmelt and freezing temperatures to send you skidding and slipping – all in the name of frosty fun!
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6. Ice Jams Off The Toast

Feeling jammed up on a cold day? Here's an icy situation you won't find on your toast: ice jams can cause severe flooding by creating a dam effect when rivers or lakes freeze and chunks of ice get stuck at obstructions. Safety first – make sure to bundle up and stay cautious, because there's nothing frosty about this cold weather catastrophe!
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7. Icy Gadget Wars

When Jack Frost decides to throw a party, it's only fitting we come prepared with an arsenal of icy gadgets: Among them, various types of ice scrapers exist, ranging from extendable gizmos to heated devices, all ready to wage war on windshields in the midst of an ice storm. Plus, customizable promotional ice scrapers with logos and designs are perfect for turning frosty gatherings into winter wonderland events, just be sure to wield these chill shovels gently to avoid scratching damage and dress warmly as a walking human icicle.
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