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Scorching Surprises: Top 8 Fun Facts About Heat Waves You Need to Know

illustration of heat-waves
Unleash your inner meteorologist as you dive into these scorching tidbits on heat waves that are sure to raise your temperature – and your trivia knowledge!

1. Frying Eggs on Pavement: A Hard-Boiled Myth

Ever tried to whip up a sunny-side up on the sizzlin' street on a sweltering summer's day? Maybe even channeled your inner Gordon Ramsay, convinced the sidewalk would make for the perfect, impromptu griddle? Egg-spect your dream to crack: Science says it's a hard-boiled myth to fry an egg on the pavement. Concrete's heat conduction skills, or lack thereof, mean it's not a worthy spatula substitute. Even if you find the darkest and hottest pavement, cracking an egg there only causes the surface to cool. Top all this off with the challenges posed by makeshift solar ovens using glass enclosures or reflective materials, and you have yourself a street-side scramble that's far from done.
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2. Heatwaves: The Silent Killer

Who needs a sauna when you've got Mother Nature's sizzling summer shenanigans: In 2021, heatwaves across the United States claimed more lives than hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods combined, yet local governments continue to underestimate the sweltering side effects of these high-temperature hullabaloos.
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3. Death Valley's Icebreaker Party

If Death Valley were to throw a party, it would invite both the hotshots and the icebreakers: On January 8, 1913, the notoriously scorching hub of heat waves hit a jaw-dropping, teeth-chattering low of 15°F (-10°C) at Furnace Creek, marking the coldest temperature ever recorded in the region.
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4. Chicago's 1995 Deadly Heat Wave Tragedy

In a twist of fate that would make even an ice cream truck sweat bullets, the Windy City faced a fiery foe back in 1995, transforming freezers into foodie graves across Chicago: This scorching heat wave caused power outages for 150,000 customers, prompting a proposed $2.5 million settlement, and sadly took the lives of 546 people in Cook County, going down as one of the deadliest natural disasters in the city's history.
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Paris Olympics' Scorching Marathon

5. Paris Olympics' Scorching Marathon

Talk about a heated competition! Paris welcomed the world's toughest joggers with open arms and sizzling streets in 1900: During the Paris Olympics the men's marathon took place in sweltering 39°C (102°F) temperatures, with 13 determined athletes from five nations competing and only seven of them crossing the finish line, led by Luxembourg's first-ever Olympic medalist Michel Théato.
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6. Floating Solar Panels: Making Waves and Energy

Why did the solar panel decide to take a swim? To power homes while making waves: Floating solar panels on water bodies not only generate more energy but cut down water loss from evaporation too. This refreshing approach is gaining popularity, with the largest floating solar farm in Healdsburg, California, producing a cool 4.8 MW of power – enough to energize around 3,400 homes.
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7. Melting Ice: Wildlife's Dampened Spirits

Whoever thought melting ice could lead to dampened spirits in the animal kingdom: The decline of Arctic sea ice due to climate change is threatening ice-loving creatures such as narwhals, polar bears, and walruses, with polar bears potentially facing starvation and reproductive failure by 2100, even as far north as Canada.
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8. Heat Waves: Brain Fry and Mental Health Impacts

Feeling hot and bothered? Turns out, heat waves may just be cooking up a mental meltdown: Research by the American Psychiatric Association shows that high temperatures can worsen symptoms of depression, lead to increased aggression and domestic violence, and disrupt sleep patterns, further exacerbating mental health issues. People with pre-existing mental health conditions, dementia patients especially, are at a greater risk for hospitalization and even death during scorching heat waves. So, next time you're sweating it out in sweltering temps, remember to keep your cool and check in on your noggin'!
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