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9 Amazing Fun Facts About Dust Storms You Won't Believe!

illustration of dust-storms
Get ready to be blown away as we whisk you through a whirlwind of fun facts about dust storms that will leave you anything but dusty!

1. Mongolian Dust Party

Biting the dust, Mongolian style: The East Asian nation faces an average of 29 dust soirees a year, with certain provinces upping the ante to a grand 108 events annually. This pesky sandtuation causes a decline in crop revenue by 2.7% and affects agricultural productivity anywhere between 1.5%-24% depending on the crop.
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2. Dust Storm Jump Scares

Who needs a spooky horror movie when dust storms can cook up their own jump scares? With all the elements to send shivers down your spine and make you hold your breath: Witness the wrath of the mighty dust channel! But seriously, folks: Trained weather spotters in Goldfield, about 155 miles northwest of Las Vegas, have reported dust storms forming rapidly, with visibility plummeting to near zero and winds blowing a staggering 60 mph, emphasizing the importance of staying informed and prepared for these unpredictable weather phenomena.
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3. Martian Red Carpet Event

Who knew Mars had such a flair for drama? Rolling out the reddest carpet by throwing dust storms so massive, they could make Queen of England's Jubilee seem like a kiddie party: These colossal dust storms can cover the entire planet, blocking up to 99% of sunlight, lasting several weeks, and wreaking havoc on communication with spacecrafts. You can catch a glimpse of this grand Martian affair through a minimum 6-inch telescope, don't forget the red filter though, darling!
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4. Haboob Mayhem

Who ordered a sandstorm with a side of mayhem?: Here comes the haboob, a rowdy dust storm that can climb up to 10,000 feet and bulldoze through your neighborhood at 50 to 60 miles per hour! These wall-like tempests brew up in arid regions thanks to the moody thunderstorm cells, unleashing havoc on roadways, farms, air traffic, and even irritating human lungs, most notably during Arizona's infamous "haboob season."
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Dust Devils' Desert Bash

5. Dust Devils' Desert Bash

When dust devils throw their very own wild desert party: These mini-tornadoes can reach staggering heights of several thousand feet and last an impressive hour or more, with wind speeds of up to 60 mph or more. In fact, on September 14, 2000, a colossal dust devil crashed the Coconino County Fairgrounds, causing both property damage and personal injuries - proving that even Mother Nature can have a whirl of a time, with wind speeds possibly reaching a whopping 75 mph!
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6. Sandstorm Mineral Delivery

Sand storms: nature's mineral delivery service with a side of chaos! These turbulent beauties don't just wreak havoc, but they do send about half a billion tonnes of delicious mineral cocktails to the oceans every year: They bring a crucial concoction of carbon, nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus, and silicon that drives biogeochemical cycles and keeps marine life thriving. It's like a free, high-speed treat to our oceans' marine organisms, making it a feast they can't resist!
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7. Fertilizer & Solar Sabotage

Dust storms: nature's eco-friendly fertilizer mixed with a little solar power sabotage! These paradoxical events can bolster ecosystems and boost marine biomass production, but at the same time, they wreak havoc on crop yields, exacerbate soil erosion, and throw shade (literally) at solar power plants.
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8. Dust Storm Globe-trotters

Dust storms: the original influencers, reaching places well beyond their origins and causing a stir even overseas! These natural powerhouses did more than just leave a mark during the 1930s Dust Bowl in the southwestern Great Plains region of the United States: they traveled thousands of miles, causing environmental damage, forced migration, and even managed to bring their dusty trend to the eastern coast and Europe.
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9. Mars' Electric Dust Dance

Mars: the Red Planet, home to little green men, and the ultimate test of our ability to "divide and conquer"––the dust storms, that is: Mars' dust storms can cause tiny violet flickers of electricity, called triboelectrification, as particles collide and generate triboelectric charging, a process seen in experiments with Earth's volcanic ash similar to Martian dust. However, it's still unknown whether these sparks can match up to Earth's lightning storms or zap nosy rovers.
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