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Discover the Top 6 Surprising and Educational Fun Facts About Droughts

illustration of droughts
Prepare to be parched by perplexing trivia as we dive into the dry world of droughts with these fascinating, fun facts!

1. Ancient Egyptian Farmers vs. Drought

When the river Nile was the lifeblood of ancient Egypt, nothing could quite put a damper on an Egyptian farmer's day like a good ol' fashioned drought: Prolonged periods of dry weather posed a grave threat to the ancient civilization, as even their impressive basin irrigation techniques couldn't fully overcome the devastating effects on agriculture, leading to famine and widespread despair.
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2. Kangaroo Air Conditioning

"Kanga-Rogue" in action: these savvy marsupial escape artists kick up dust while licking their forearms, creating a combo of Aussie Outback air conditioning and hydration! The serious reveal: Kangaroos have adapted to drought conditions by conserving water and regulating their body temperature through evaporative cooling, achieved by licking their forearms instead of sweating.
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3. The Cactus Bar Crawl

If a cactus walked into a bar, it would probably be the best-prepared patron for a long night without last call: A fully-grown cactus can store up to 100 gallons of water in its collapsible storage cells, with the giant Saguaro Cactus able to hold a staggering 95 gallons during heavy rainfall!
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4. US West's Draught Party

Thirsty for a miracle: the US West is currently throwing a serious draught party, with 40% of guests showing up in exceptional drought attire. In response, some states are trying to make it rain – literally – by adding silver iodide particles to clouds. The jury's still out on its effectiveness, though, and don't forget that communities of color may end up left parched in the background.
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Australian Lungfish: Aquatic MacGyver

5. Australian Lungfish: Aquatic MacGyver

Meet the Australian Lungfish, the aquatic MacGyver that breathes air when the waters get rough: This fishy wonder can switch to inhaling oxygen using a single lung during stagnant periods or changes in water quality, making it a connoisseur of drought survival. But don't expect to find it sunbathing in mud spas or cocooning like its lungfish cousins; without water, it can only hold its breath and cross its fins for a few days.
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6. Resurrection Fern: Fashionably Resilient

Talk about a major comeback: this fern's more resilient than all the 90's fashion trends combined! The resurrection fern can shrivel up and look deader than the Macarena during a drought, but just add water and presto! It's greener than Justin Timberlake's N'Sync highlights: It can revive itself in just a few hours of rainfall and survive in its dried state for up to an astounding 100 years.
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