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Discover the Magic: Top 11 Fascinating and Fun Facts About Alexandrite You Never Knew!

illustration of alexandrite
Dive into the captivating world of Alexandrite, the mesmerizing gemstone that's got drab chameleons green with envy – here's a treasure trove of fun facts just waiting to dazzle you!

1. Mood Swing Gemstone

If only our mood swings were as beautiful as alexandrite, we'd all be precious stones: This color-changing gem appears green under natural daylight, but turns ruby-red when basking in artificial light such as candlelight or incandescent lamps, thanks to optical absorption caused by Cr3+ impurities in its atomic structure.
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2. Hide-and-Seek Rarity

From Russia with love, but not for long: It turns out those dazzling alexandrite gemstones went into hiding after their Russian mine sources ran dry, only resurfacing in Brazil in 1987! The sneaky rarity of these natural beauties have made them quite the elusive quarry, pricier than diamonds even for lower-grade specimens. Fret not though, resourceful labs have cooked up some synthetic versions, albeit still costing an arm and a leg— or, shall we say, a crown and scepter— in the pursuit of this chameleonic gem!
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3. Ultimate Gemstone Flavor Twist

If alexandrite were an ice cream flavor, it'd be the ultimate Vanilla-Chocolate twist, but with a gemstone twist: This rare, color-changing gemstone is the birthstone for those born in June, shifts from a vibrant green to blueish green in daylight, and transforms into an intense red to purplish red under incandescent light—a phenomenon known as "the alexandrite effect" due to its unique light-absorbing properties.
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4. Nature's Mood Ring

If you thought mood rings were cutting edge, wait until you get a load of nature's original mood stone: alexandrite! This gemstone's got more mood swings than a teenager during finals week: In daylight, it proudly flaunts vibrant green hues, but come nighttime, it's all about a sultry red or purple look. This dramatic transformation is all thanks to the presence of chromium within the stone, which absorbs specific wavelengths of light, making it a highly sought-after and rare gem in the world of fancy rocks.
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Authenticity vs. Imitations

5. Authenticity vs. Imitations

Who needs mood rings when you've got alexandrite, nature's very own mood gemstone? This whimsical rock's vibes shift from party green to sophisticated red faster than a chameleon on a checkerboard: However, due to its rarity, customers often end up purchasing synthetic alexandrite-like corundum or spinel. To ensure its authenticity, rely on a gemologist's examination of its refractive index and other optical properties. Genuine alexandrites over one carat may contain inclusions and their value largely depends on their size and clarity.
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6. Chameleon Gem World Tour

Alexandrite, the gemstone version of a mood ring, offers an enchanting visual experience that rivals a magical chameleon's disappearing act: This strikingly rare stone changes colors from bluish-green in daylight to purplish-red under incandescent light, primarily found in Brazil, Sri Lanka, and parts of Africa, making high-quality specimens a highly coveted treasure for collectors and gem enthusiasts alike.
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7. Secret Agent Stone

Imagine a gemstone that moonlights as a secret agent, dramatically shifting its persona from one hue to another as it evades detection: Well, meet Alexandrite, the color-changing chameleon of the gem world! This rare and expensive chrysoberyl gemstone has the extraordinary ability to switch from a bluish-green hue in daylight to a reddish-purple in incandescent light, a phenomenon expertly termed "the alexandrite effect."
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8. Record-Breaking Chameleon

If you're feeling green with envy, wait until you see this red hot gemstone: the largest known faceted alexandrite is a 65.7-carat marvel from Sri Lanka that alternates between a divine emerald hue and a captivating crimson, making its home at the Smithsonian Institution and bewitching gem enthusiasts everywhere.
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9. Dorothy's Sparkling Upgrade

Who needs a yellow brick road when you can have sparkling red footwear? Dorothy's dazzling change of wardrobe baffled readers and shoddy script knowledge test-takers alike: For the movie magic of The Wizard of Oz, filmmakers swapped Dorothy's silver slippers from L. Frank Baum's book to cinema-friendly ruby red, complete with sequins. Harry Winston one-upped the iconic look with a pair of 4,600-ruby, 50-diamond carat slippers worth $3 million, yet the originals worn by Judy Garland are still enchanting audiences at the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History with their simple, sequined charm.
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Superpowered Stone

10. Superpowered Stone

If color-changing superpowers were a thing, alexandrite would be the chameleon of the gemstone world, easily giving Superman's wardrobe changes a run for their money: This ultra-rare gemstone magically transitions from a vibrant green or bluish-green hue in daylight to a mesmerizing red or purplish-red under incandescent light, all thanks to its masterful absorption of yellow light while transmitting larger bands of blue-green and red wavelengths. Now that's a superpower worth collecting!
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11. A-Lex-and-Light Show

Feeling "A-lex-and-light" with this gem's chameleon-like ways: Alexandrite is famous for changing colors under various light sources like sunlight, candlelight, and fluorescent light, due to its unique chemistry containing chromium, setting it apart from other color-changing gemstones like garnet and spinel.
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