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Discover the Digital World: Top 7 Amazing Fun Facts About the Internet You Never Knew!

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Dive into the digital abyss and discover a treasure trove of amusing tidbits as we bring you an array of fun facts about the internet that will leave you virtually amazed!

1. The Coffee Pot Webcam

Before webcams were for awkward Zoom meetings and digital shenanigans, they had the noble pursuit of avoiding coffee-craving catastrophes: The first webcam was invented in 1991 at the University of Cambridge's Computer Laboratory to monitor coffee pot levels, and in 1993 it was made available on the World Wide Web, becoming an internationally famous 128x128 pixel grayscale sensation.
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2. Musical Device Jugglers

Remember the good old-fashioned game of "musical chairs"? Well, the internet generation has taken it to a whole new level, introducing "musical devices": According to a survey of 200 British people, the average person uses three devices - a smartphone, computer, and tablet - and effortlessly switches between them for simple tasks. In fact, 90% of people can juggle gadgets like a pro, with 77% of mobile searches occurring in places where a computer is just as accessible, giving birth to the term "constant connectivity" coined by Google.
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3. Twitter: News for the Young

Oh, ye Twitterati – give us this day our daily news! For it seems the tweet has become mightier than the news channel: 1 in 5 Twitter users under 30 frequently turn to the platform for the latest scoop, and a whopping 55% of them rely on Twitter as their number one news source among social media platforms.
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4. Google: Sniffing Out Billions of Searches

If Google were a dog, it would be sniffing out its way through 3.7 billion digital fire hydrants every day: Google processes a staggering 3.7 billion search queries daily, accounting for 76% of global Internet searches, with 16-20% of those being brand new scents for its virtual snout!
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Impatient Online Shoppers

5. Impatient Online Shoppers

Forget that infamous ketchup bottle that takes forever to pour – the world wide wait can be equally excruciating for impatient online shoppers: A study by Forrester Consulting found that the average shopper expects web pages to load within two seconds, and a staggering 40% will abandon a retail or travel site if it takes more than a mere three seconds to appear.
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6. The Birth of Brain: First PC Virus

Once upon a byte in the land of floppy drives, an infectious digital duo emerged from the depths of Pakistan's technological underground: Basit and Amjad Farooq Alvi unleashed the first PC virus, Brain, upon unsuspecting computers in 1986. This devious piece of code replaced the boot sector of a floppy disk with a cryptic copyright message, infiltrating countless devices without destroying a single file.
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7. The Internet's Cat Video Obsession

Hold on to your streaming socks, folks, because the internet has a secret obsession with watching cat videos: In 2017, a whopping 69% of global consumer Internet traffic was made up of video content, making it a crucial tool for marketers looking to catch those wandering eyeballs and evoke all kinds of emotions.
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