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7 Amazing Smartphone Fun Facts You Never Knew: Unveiling the Secrets!

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Get ready to be mind-blown with these fascinating and amusing tidbits about the tiny gadget that rules our daily lives – smartphones!

1. Smartphone Germ Party

Hold onto your toilet seats, folks, because this one's a germaphobe's nightmare: smartphones carry 10 times more bacteria than most toilet seats! But don't panic – most of these germs are friendly, skin-dwelling microbes that aren't harmful. Still, a little smartphone spa using a microfiber cloth or a 60% water and 40% rubbing alcohol solution doesn't sound like a bad idea, right?
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2. Mobile Gamers Take Over

Step aside, Mario and Master Chief—there's a new player in town, and they've got Candy Crush in their sights and Angry Birds in their slingshot: As of July 2022, there are over 3 billion mobile gamers globally, forming more than half of the gaming industry. Yet, PC and console gaming still hold their ground with loyal fan bases, keeping mobile gaming from toppling their combined reign.
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3. Fitness Apps Buff Up

As our beloved smartphones pump iron for us in a digital gymnasium: Fitness apps flexed their muscles with a 54% increase in revenue in 2021 compared to the previous year, with MyFitnessPal reigning as the top grossing fitness app for two years straight, and over 400 million fitness app downloads in 2021 alone.
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4. Google Play's Gaming Goldmine

Guess who's raining cash like a Fortnite dance party? Mobile games, of course! Seriously, it's no joke: in 2022, the gaming category led the Google Play Store charts, raking in a jaw-dropping $31.3 billion in revenue and representing a whopping 13.80% of the 3.553 million apps available, making it the largest app category of all. So choose your avatar, 'cause Google Play is serving a gaming buffet to feast your thumbs on!
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Smartphone Zombie Walk

5. Smartphone Zombie Walk

Ever get the feeling that smartphones are turning us into a bunch of slowpoke zombies? Well, that's not entirely off the mark: A recent study found that using smartphones while walking significantly reduced the cadence and velocity of young adults' gait patterns and increased their contact time with the ground, with or without actually texting.
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6. Apollo 11 vs. iPhone

Feeling like a space invader with your snazzy smartphone? As fun as it is to imagine, it's not exactly true to say that today's phones boast more computing power than all of the computers used for the historic Apollo 11 moon landing combined: While the iPhone 6 is considerably more powerful than the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) that guided the spacecraft, the mission also relied on IBM System/360 Model 75 mainframe computers that cost $3.5 million each, capable of performing several hundred thousand addition operations per second, and holding memory in the megabyte range. So, while your smartphone is pretty out-of-this-world, let's not forget to salute the leaps and bounds of technology behind that giant leap for mankind!
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7. Nomophobia & Dual-Phone Jugglers

When being alone causes a disconnect: An amusing OnePoll and SecurEnvoy survey of 1,000 employed Brits discovered that 41% juggle two or more mobile phones to prevent a bout of "Nomophobia" - the fear of being without phone access. Men take the lead in this techy tango, with 47% owning multiple phones compared to 36% of women, while the youngsters aged 18-24 experience the panic of phonelessness most intensely, with 77% fearing the great digital void.
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