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Discover the Top 10 Unbelievable Fun Facts About Pinterest You Never Knew!

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Get ready to pin down some of the quirkiest and most fascinating tidbits about the digital dreamboard we all know and love – Pinterest!

1. Eclectic Founder's Journey

From butterflies to tailored suits to political science classes, Ben Silbermann's interests were truly a hodgepodge of hobbies, echoing perfectly in the eclectic wonderland that Pinterest emerged into: Silbermann co-founded Pinterest with two friends, Paul Sciarra and Evan Sharp, dabbling in diverse interests himself, like stamp and insect collecting, meandering through studying medicine and political science in college, before diving headfirst into the tech industry and now helming the wildly popular platform that boasts nearly 20 million unique visitors each month and a valuation of $1.5 billion, all while remaining scrupulous about design elements such as typeface contrast.
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2. Humble Beginnings to Tech Elite

From humble beginnings in a Palo Alto dive to rubbing shoulders with the tech elite in San Francisco's swanky SoMa district, Pinterest has come a long way in pinning down its dreamy aspirations: This visual platform now boasts a valuation of $12 billion, over 800 employees worldwide, various acquisitions like Livestar and Instapaper, and increased user safety measures, all while battling criticisms around copyrighted content and past discriminatory practices.
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3. Men & Gen Z Join the Pinning Party

Watch out, gentlemen and cool young folks: Pinterest is no longer just your mom's go-to when she's feeling crafty! On the delightful journey of becoming a pinning powerhouse: recent statistics denote that the platform's fastest-growing demographics are now, in fact, men and Gen Z users, making Pinterest an all-inclusive, pinning paradise for everyone!
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4. Ladies Rule Pinterest-ville

Move over, gentlemen, and make way for the ladies of Pinterest-ville: 76.2% of Pinterest users are women, whereas a mere 17.2% are men. This social media kingdom has become a hotspot for younger royals, with 35.6% aged 25-34 and 21.9% aged 18-24, making it an ideal enclave for businesses to woo damsels with trendy and inspirational wares.
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Predicting Trends with Psychic Pins

5. Predicting Trends with Psychic Pins

Move over, Nostradamus: Pinterest has a crystal ball of its own! With an impressive success rate of 80%, the annual Pinterest Predicts report forecasts trends by analyzing two years of global search data, sifting through 500k searches, and ensuring global relevancy and representation. Brands can leverage these accurate predictions to create culturally relevant organic content and paid assets that make even the trendiest trendsetters mega-envious.
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6. Crash the Cool Kids' Table

Move over, Regina George: Pinterest has made social media's cool kids' table! Sandwiched between the likes of Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, and Instagram, Pinterest sashays its way in as the 14th largest social media platform in the world.
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7. Protecting Voters from Pinning Politics

Holy pinning politics, Batman! Pinterest is packing a punch against election hocus-pocus: The platform has introduced policies to yank posts containing false voting information, and even banned the fibbing about the U.S. Census, making it the first of its kind to ward off such electoral trickery.
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8. Pinterest Embraces Body Positivity

Who needs weight loss when you can just embrace your fabulousness? Pinterest users have pushed aside calorie-counting and embraced body positivity: As a result of the platform's ban on weight loss ads in July 2021, global searches containing "weight loss" in May 2022 decreased by 20% compared to the previous year, while searches for "loving myself" surged 36%, "body positive photography aesthetic" grew seven-fold, and "accept your body quotes" tripled.
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9. Wallet-Lightening Wonderland

If Pinterest were a shopping mall, it would be THE place where wallets get lighter and bags get heavier: Pinterest users actually spend double the amount shopping every month compared to non-Pinners and are more likely to make purchases on this platform than on others. With a mix of free and paid advertising tools that yield 3x the conversions and twice the ROI, this platform is like an advertiser's wonderland, complete with one of the lowest costs per click in the realm of social media advertising.
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Rocketing User Growth for All Ages

10. Rocketing User Growth for All Ages

In a world where people spend hours ogling tantalizing tomato plants and droolworthy DIY projects, a little platform called Pinterest got itself a big ol' booster rocket: Between 2016 and 2020, the number of monthly active users skyrocketed from 128 million to a whopping 367 million, appealing to men, women, Millennials, Gen Z-ers, and fun-loving green thumbs alike.
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