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11 Mind-Blowing Fun Facts About Data You Never Knew Existed!

illustration of data
Dive into the fascinating world of data, where numbers and nuggets of knowledge blend together to create jaw-dropping, mind-boggling fun facts!

1. Internet Oscars: Videos Take the Lead

Lights, camera... data action! The internet is like a blockbuster movie, where videos command center stage and nab the Best Performer Award in the World Wide Web Oscars: An outstanding 53.72% of global internet traffic revolves around videos, while social media, gaming, and web browsing are strong supporting acts, collectively making up over 75% of all internet data traffic.
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2. Dial-Up Modems vs. Data Tsunami

Hold on to your floppy disks and dust off your dial-up modems, because the world's data stream is overflowing like a hormonal teenager's selfie collection: In just one day, we generate 1,000 petabytes or 1 exabyte of data, which is equivalent to 2.5 quintillion bytes! In 2018, we collectively churned out 33 zettabytes of data, and by 2025, global data volume is projected to swell like a digital Godzilla and reach a mind-boggling 175 zettabytes, according to IDC's research team.
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3. Data Haystack Searching Confusion

Feeling overwhelmed by data is like searching for a needle in a haystack, except the haystack keeps growing, and suddenly you're not sure if you were even looking for a needle in the first place: In reality, only 0.5% of all generated data is currently analyzed, says Professor Patrick Wolfe of University College of London’s Big Data Institute. Undaunted, Wolfe thinks the challenge of transforming these monstrous mountains of data into useful nuggets could add a whopping $10-15 trillion to the global GDP over the next few decades, equivalent to the entire US economy today!
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4. Structured Databases & Unstructured Data Showdown

In the Wild West of the digital frontier, a showdown brews between structured databases and the untamed behemoths of unstructured data: did you know that unstructured data accounts for a whopping 90% of the data collected by organizations? Fear not, for in this showdown, AI and machine learning stride gallantly into the scene, with new software tools capable of sifting through the deluge of unruly data and unearthing nuggets of precious business intelligence.
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Data Ocean: From Superhighway to HyperSpeed

5. Data Ocean: From Superhighway to HyperSpeed

Hold on to your 1s and 0s, folks, because we're about to dive into an ocean of data that makes the "information superhighway" look like a creek with wifi: By 2025, it's predicted that 463 exabytes of data will be generated globally each day, a whopping leap from the mere 44 zettabytes (or 44 trillion gigabytes) we had floating around at the start of 2020.
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6. Walmart: Sherlock Holmes of Shopping Desires

Walmart, the all-seeing eye of the retail world and a treasure trove of fascinating factoids, has a little-known superpower: it’s like the Sherlock Holmes of shopping, deducing your deepest desires from seemingly unrelated clues: Every hour, Walmart gathers a staggering 2.5 petabytes of unstructured data from 1 million customers, harnessing big data analytics to optimize and personalize the shopping experience, both in-store and online, rather than for any nefarious purpose.
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7. Cybercriminals vs. Companies: Catch Me If You Can

In the digital age, it seems that companies are playing a never-ending game of "Catch Me If You Can" with cybercriminals – and quite frankly, Frank Abagnale Jr. has nothing on these tech-savvy foes: A shocking report discovered that companies suffer from ransomware attacks every 14 seconds, and by 2025, cybercrime could cost businesses a whopping $10.5 trillion annually worldwide. Better buckle up, CISOs; it's time to strap on your anti-hacker armor!
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8. Boogie Fever of Burning Bytes: Data Dance Party

Get ready for a data party, because we're swimming in bytes, bay-bee! You might have thought that civilization's first floppy disc-fueled hoedown was intense, but hold on to your punch cards, because 2003's got nothing on today: On average, 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are produced daily, dwarfing the mere 5 exabytes produced up until 2003. And the dance of digits won't stop anytime soon – estimations predict that by 2025, a whopping 463 exabytes of data will be created every day, which is like burning up more than 212 million DVDs of boogie fever.
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9. Data Cleaning Party: Data Scientists' Labor of Love

Whoever said data scientists have the "sexiest job of the 21st century" clearly never received an invitation to the "data cleaning party" that they're hosting 60% of the time: In a survey by CrowdFlower, it was found that data scientists spend 80% of their work on data preparation, with 60% on cleaning and organizing data, 19% on collecting data sets, and a whopping 76% of them declaring data preparation as their least favorite part of the job. But hey, at least they're thorough!
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Snap, Crackle, & Pop: Trillion-Photo Phenomenon

10. Snap, Crackle, & Pop: Trillion-Photo Phenomenon

Snap, crackle, and pop isn't just for Rice Krispies anymore, folks: in 2022 alone, 1.81 trillion photos were taken worldwide, making the grand total of recorded snaps add up to a whopping 12.4 trillion. And if you think that's mind-boggling, hold onto your smartphone, because by 2030, this number is set to double to an eye-popping 28.6 trillion!
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11. Cyberattacks: The Worst Party Crashers

If cyberattacks were a party crasher, they'd be the one spilling red wine on the white carpet and stealing all the cocktail weenies: On average, US and UK businesses have faced one seriously damaging cyberattack every year for the past three years, costing them about $3.4 million in damages, with $1.5 million in direct losses, and $1.87 million due to indirect implications like reputation damage and ransoms paid by insurers.
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